
um- February 18, 2021 4:39 am

No what is wrong with people??? Just saw this one person who commented multiple times how much they HATED the dr and that they still wanted the adolph and Lewis to be together. This is disgusting, and before you say "it's their opinion on who to ship" let me remind you, he raped him, abused him, cheated on him, made him refuse chemo, and indirectly killed him. Think again.

    monkey88 February 18, 2021 8:57 am

    "it's their opinion on who to ship"

    um- February 18, 2021 1:42 pm

    so now you're romantisizing rape and abuse now?! wow.

    Jiwon's precious fountain February 18, 2021 7:53 pm
    "it's their opinion on who to ship" monkey88

    There's no opinion in this story, the doctor treat lewis so much better , I know lewis is going to die in the end but I'm still hoping for him to end up with the doctor.

    monkey88 February 19, 2021 3:26 am
    There's no opinion in this story, the doctor treat lewis so much better , I know lewis is going to die in the end but I'm still hoping for him to end up with the doctor. Jiwon's precious fountain

    Opinion: a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

    I don't ship Adolph and Lewis but I hate people state their opinion about how something has no opinion. Call me what you will, I don't care. But what you posted is your own opinion :3

    monkey88 February 19, 2021 3:31 am
    Opinion: a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.I don't ship Adolph and Lewis but I hate people state their opinion about how something has no opinion. Call me wha... monkey88

    Shipping is 100% based on the individuals "opinion".

    um- February 19, 2021 4:49 am

    What?? When did I ever say "you can't have an opinion." I said it was disgusting that you'd ship two people that CLEARLY can't and shouldn't be together, together. It's romantisizing abuse and rape, which means this isn't something someone can have an "opinion" on, it's plain wrong. You saw what Adolf put Lewis through, you saw what he did to him and the amount of physical and mental pain he put him through, if people still ship that, they should get help, because this isn't about having an opinion or not, this is about people being sick in the head if they think this is ok and love. Some may make the EXUSE "but he's paying for it now and he's going through pain" ok and? He's paying for what he did to Lewis—not even close, to what he did to him. 14 years they spent together, a whole ass decade, and in the end he still ruined it all.

    monkey88 February 19, 2021 5:07 am
    What?? When did I ever say "you can't have an opinion." I said it was disgusting that you'd ship two people that CLEARLY can't and shouldn't be together, together. It's romantisizing abuse and rape, which means... um-

    You didn't, Jiwon's precious fountain did. And as I said, I don't ship them, I just can't stand obnoxious self-opinionated people who feel it's their right and responsibility to make everyone see thing's their way. You have no right to tell people who to ship. Period. I'm not getting into what's wrong or right about the type of ship it would be (as it's clearly f*ed up). No excuse can make up for what was done to Lewis and I agree, people who ship him with his abuser are messed up. I simply took offense to your very strongly assertive post. I'll apologize for coming off like some sick rape sympathizer (cuz eww) but people are free to ship whomever.

    um- February 19, 2021 5:26 am

    Yea I guess, but it still is wrong and I don't think I'll ever be able to see from their pov.

    um- February 19, 2021 5:33 am

    I never was trying to come off as "obnoxious, self opinionated, or think that it's my responsibility to make people see from my pov" so I apologize, but I never forced people who to ship or not. I said that it's plain disturbing you would ship together a rapist and the victim, and if you really think about it, yea it is. The ship could be especially offensive to victims/survivors, that their trauma is being romanticized, in a way that never should be. I personally don't think I'll ever be able to see victim/rapist because from my opinion, it's plain wrong.

    monkey88 February 19, 2021 5:45 am
    I never was trying to come off as "obnoxious, self opinionated, or think that it's my responsibility to make people see from my pov" so I apologize, but I never forced people who to ship or not. I said that it'... um-

    I never was trying to come off as "obnoxious, self opinionated, or think that it's my responsibility to make people see from my pov" so I apologize, but I never forced people who to ship or not.
    -You're right, and I'm sorry too for getting so flustered.
    I said that it's plain disturbing you would ship together a rapist and the victim, and if you really think about it, yea it is. The ship could be especially offensive to victims/survivors, that their trauma is being romanticized, in a way that never should be. I personally don't think I'll ever be able to see victim/rapist because from my opinion, it's plain wrong.
    -Just to be clear, I don't ship them either and I agree it could definitely be triggering. I personally didn't find this romanticizing Adolf/Lewis but I get what you're saying, doing so would be sick. Anyway, thank you for staying rational in your explanations and bearing with my beratement. We might not see eye to eye on all points but at least we can still be civil like this. :]

    um- February 19, 2021 6:16 am

    Agreed :3