Yeah, it's such a mess. It doesn't explain why the illegitimate son assumed the MC's identity, nor what's the point of a marriage that was intended to be cancelled anyways (that money excuse was bs. The guy owns a farmaceutical company that's is ahead of others in research about alpha/omega traits, as if he's broke. It makes no sense).
In fact, what is even the point of adopting the MC just because he has some gene expressions that are similar to Omegas!? Even if Omegas are rare, what's the purpose? It can't be just research. Isn't the owner of the pharmaceutical company also an omega, so why couldn't he study his own test results? And why would he annouce the adoption publicy if he didn't have sure of the research results?
I have so many questions (︶︿︶)=凸
Also, I'm not even gonna comment the supposed beat up again, cause it makes absolutely no sense, nor the lack of bruises and wounds, nor the whole caligraphy bs

Well, from what I remember, the prince is an alpha. Omegas doesn’t exist or as you”ve said, are rare. So this pharma company decided to turm a normal person to omega, MC has an omega characteristic (small, frail) so he became the no. 1 test subject and was introduced as the son. (Mc doesnt know his real name since he’s a test subject since he was a child). Prince needs to have his partner that is why they had an arranged marriage with the pharma, to get an omega to pair up with him.
Now, for some reasons I totally forgot why, Fake fiance was introduced as MC, as an omega, that will marry the prince. I think fake fiance takes or spray omega pheromones to deceive the prince. If my memory serves me right, MC needs to stay with fake fiance to make the fake fiance look like an omega (still quite fckd up since there is really no way that fake fiance looks or feels like an omega) andto think that the prince is fooled or is just going with the flow lol.

Well, I binge read, and maybe I skipped something, but from what I understood they forced the marriage onto the prince by creating rumours and swaying public opinion. Since the beginning the marriage was stablished to be broken, and the motive they gave was that the pharma owner loved money (which is, in my opnionio bs.).
So like, yeah, the MC needs to stay by the fake asshole's side to help him fake being an omega, but what was the need to have him steal his identity in the first place? And the whole "faking being an omega" situation is badly explained too, cause if the prince could feel that the MC was an omega (or smt similar) and even the artificial hormones, why can't he feel it on the fake fiance (cause if he's faking it, wouldn't he use the MC's hormones and other things to simulate estrus and all?)?
The Prince's situation is quite weird and badly explained too. We know he doesn't have much political power, but we don't know why nor if there are other princes.
Even the prospects of the romance don't look too good to me cause: the fake guy robbed the MC's identity. So in the eyes of the public, by staying with the MC the prince is cheating (and his reputation already seems to be bad because the pharma company created rumours to force the marriage in 1st place) . If he expose the fake fiance and the pharma company he's gonna expose the MC's life history too (and I, for example, would do that to a loved one). If he doesn't expose it, they are going to be judged by the public and maybe the prince could even be desinherited (that's what I imagine would happen in a real royal family).
All in all, I loved the art of this manhwa, but I'm really confused about the whole thing. It isn't paced well, it isn't explained well, and there is a lot of plot holes
Hm.. This is kinda confusing... If people of opposite traits aren't supposed to be able to identify each other while taking suppressants, how did the prince feel the MC's "strangeness"/artificial hormones, but didn't feel the same with the fake fiance? Or is he using the MC's hormones only to fake exams and not exactly fake estrus and shit?
And when the prince told the fake fiance to send the MC to his palace, did the fake fiance beat the MC or not? Cause the prince said he posted people guarding the MC, but the MC thought about how he was beaten up 2 days straight and because of that he didn't knew about the prince's schedule. Also, how was he beaten 2 days straight (even more than that, since it appears he's abused frequently by the fake mf), and doesn't have any bruises, doesn't have difficulty to move any limbs, doesn't instinctively recoil when strange people approach/touch him?
And how the fuck does a fake fiance, who just entered the palace, with no authority has the guts to bring lovers and abuse people in the palace and nobody finds it strange or say anything, that doesn't look nor sound realistic to me at all. He even disrespected the prince right at his face and received less than a reprimand...