here https://novelasblparasiempre.blogspot.com/2020/11/error-semantico-1.html?m=1
the whole website and novel is in spanish but chrome has auto-translate feature, if you’re using smartphone download the google chrome app cause they also have translation feature. Also the website itself is hard to navigate but just explore in it a little bit then you can find the next chapters :)

I made a google docs with all the links leading to the novel! (all chapters + extras) The website can be a little weird, so I wanted to help lmao. (use the google translate feature to put it in english if you can't understand spanish. it's readable with only minor mistakes in my opinion)
I was literally reading the novel and I’m at the chapter where they were having seggs SKSKSKSK but probably their first smexy scenes will be at ch. 40+ here I can’t wait T.T