vEnTiNg bc I need to

extraterrestrial_ February 17, 2021 10:59 am

It's long so read at your own risk fellow earthlings.
I have read multiple things before that've made my blood boil, but oh boy this one might take the cake.
I mean, she endured all that crap and abuse as a child for years, finally getting freedom upon leaving for university, only for her to get her world turned upside down by becoming the villainess(who isn't really a villain, more-so just a kid that got the short end of the stick when they thought they drew the long stick) of a game, who endures the same abuse that she just got away from.

That's not what makes me upset though, it's the actual dnjDNSFjnakjdnKJ AuDaCiTy that her 'family' has, to be shOcked when they see what Penelope is going through. Apparently it's possible that the head of the house, the Duke no less, has no clue that the child he willingly brought in, was subject to such abuse basically for the entire time since she was brought to the mansion(six-ish years). It's his literal home, you can't tell me that he doesn't know what is happening in his own home-- it's his job to know, to look after the estate as well as the subjects, to know what's happening in his estate. How ignorant do you have to be blind to such blatant neglect.
oh hO, and the 'brOtHeRs'. Those little turds, who know how the people of the estate see her(which is negatively, and as a matter of fact, the father also knows), choose to ignore it. Only when the 2nd brother actually catches Penelope's maid feeding her rotten food does he intervene, first surprised at the meal she's forcing herself to eat(because it's before the choice option was removed), then getting mad at the maid for doing so. Like buddy, you've also joined in on the bullying, so it is really so surprising to see a maid treating Penelope without and ounce of respect, when the entire family doesn't even show her respect? And when she's apologizing to the eldest son for the 'commotion' that wasn't her fault, which he also know's wasn't her fault, but still blamed her for making a ruckus? wOrDs fAiL to explain just how frustrating it is(I know it was in a beginning chapter, but I could go on and on about these bastards).

Personally, to me it doesn't matter that they're just now(throughout the story) realizing how terribly they and the household have been treating Penelope, and are just now starting to care a little bit more about her well-being, and even showing some kindness here and there to her. But, I say it doesn't matter because they had 6 long years to realize, hey maybe Penelope is acting out for a reason-- granted she of course changed only after the MC woke up in Penelope's body, but that doesn't mean they couldn't have, idk, maybe actually given a fuck before.
When you put a child in a neglectful, abusive, or un-nurturing environment what do you think is going to happen to the child? there are different outcomes, some children lose their will, they become quiet or subdued versions of themselves; some children act out with pranks, because maybe that'll garner some attention positive or not, maybe even a few laughs; some become overly anxious or fearful or overly apologetic since they don't know what they did to deserve such an unloving environment; some just take it as it comes, because children are so innocently forgiving when they're young, they'll think maybe after this my parent will start to like me; and some children will lash out in anger, throwing tantrums, or being aggressive, because any attention is attention, regardless if it's bad attention. It's heartbreaking.
Only after six years of neglect do they start to change, and for what? do they think she'll be happy, grateful? She'll be somewhat grateful, but the question can also be asked "Where was all this care for me when I was younger? Why now?". Both the MC and the Penelope before the MC transmigrated to the game, grew up in the same situation/environment, they both dealt with it differently, the MC trying her best to be invisible, and the Penelope of the game lashed out and threw tantrums, but do you expect that the current Penelope/MC is going to be like "Oh my family is being nicer to me now, guess that makes everything okay"? No, she's not going to act that way. them being nicer-ish doesn't make up for their past neglect, it's a start in the right direction- towards being better as people and as a family members, but that doesn't change the fact that there was a time where they didn't care. Of course, you can't change the past, you can only learn from it, but for Penelope, who wasn't really shown any kindness at the Duchy, simply being nicer doesn't mean anything unless it's shown in their future actions.

As a note, I don't mean to offend anyone with my rant, nor do I claim to be an expert in child psychology or child development, but I know from firsthand experiences, from seeing my friends and other kids change because of the unhealthy environment at home, that neglectful or abusive homes are fricking detrimental to children. And I specifically mean parents that have the Choice or the Ability to hang out with their kid, get to know their kid, but choose to ignore or abuse them. Parents like the Duke who had the ability to be a parent to Penelope, but ultimately just chose not, ignoring her when she needed a parental figure(because she was only 12djskfnajkdsedksnfjdasnjdsf what a jerk) letting her spend money as she pleased because that'll apparently make up for his lack of absence.
And When she finally stands up for herself, against the 2nd brother, and says what she actually wants to say, it was really satisfying. Also my frustration, doesn't mean that I don't like the story, because I really enjoy reading this, I just don't really like her families ignorance. The story/plot and art though? Chefs Kiss, bellissima.

This concludes my frustrated and extremely long rant.

    M.Mortis February 17, 2021 11:14 am

    You are the type of person Id like to team up in a research paper...

    harubb February 17, 2021 11:19 am
    You are the type of person Id like to team up in a research paper... M.Mortis

    i agree with you

    Juminhun February 17, 2021 11:21 am

    Wow, you just summed up everything I would want to write.

    Juminhun February 17, 2021 11:21 am
    You are the type of person Id like to team up in a research paper... M.Mortis

    IKR RKDKD ╥﹏╥

    extraterrestrial_ February 18, 2021 12:27 am
    You are the type of person Id like to team up in a research paper... M.Mortis

    there were a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes, but thank you, it means a lot mate! (●'◡'●)ノ

    extraterrestrial_ February 18, 2021 12:32 am
    Wow, you just summed up everything I would want to write. Juminhun

    solidarity mate ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ

    Gabriel February 18, 2021 2:08 am

    This fr nearly brought me to tears. Truer words have never been spoken. Thank you for saying what I was thinking

    Maytibond February 18, 2021 12:53 pm

    i salute u for writing all of dat

    Imhere February 19, 2021 9:34 am

    It makes me so sad and mad, they literally didn’t care for her presence, she was starving RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM. And they didn’t know?!!! I feel so bad for Penelope. She was a child who was subjected to so much abuse and didn’t understand it. No matter how much she screamed and cried no one heard her, no one paid attention. And then everyone saw her as a nuisance who only sullied their family name because of how she acted out. Not wondering as to why. She was being abused for years in that household. I feel so bad for the FL who also just got out of her audible family just to be put in another. Both of the families took them in without thinking of how it would effect them or taking any responsibility of their well being.

    extraterrestrial_ February 19, 2021 9:38 am
    It makes me so sad and mad, they literally didn’t care for her presence, she was starving RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM. And they didn’t know?!!! I feel so bad for Penelope. She was a child who was subjected to so... Imhere

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