That was... impractical.

LushiferianII February 17, 2021 10:06 am

It would be safer to shoot the driver and try to take control of the car. You'd have a way to escape easier and less bruised.
As long as driver don't turn the wheel it should be ok. As soon as they take the body away from the accelerator the car would start going slow.

    Livia February 17, 2021 10:12 am

    What if he would be carrying guns illegally and even if he would have shout the driver in a way he does not die from the shot . If the police would have investigated then they would have found out everything and besides their were flames all over the road , I don't think they would have take out the car savely

    Shermouth February 17, 2021 10:28 am

    Aside from what the person above wrote, the windows can be bullet-proof. After all Keith is often in such situations, it would be that his cars have bullet-proof windows for his safety. Not sure, but it could also be a reason why he didn't shoot the driver. Besides if the driver survived they can interogate him.

    LushiferianII February 17, 2021 10:32 am

    He was... like... literally just behind him. That's a clean headshot for sure. You need to be really, REALLY bad at shooting to fail that. He also had to spend 3 bullets on the door, that could have been on that guy's temples. Even if He miracusly don't die it would be completely incapacitated. Oh, and don't forget that it's safer to shoot at a person than to a car's door... there's a lot of metal there, and He was really close, it could have ricocheted back and hurt either him or his partner. And I'm kind of amazed it was not a armored car taking into account how wealthy he is and apperantly how common is for him to be targeted.

    It's exactly because there are flames all over the road that it was better to take the car than to go on foot. You can turn around and go back faster, leaving the fire behind or at least trying to take adventage. Even if they get trapped in the fire, at least they would be nearest to the place where they split with their bodyguards. And even if they were not able to take the car, at least they could have made it safely stop before jumping out. Or at least slow down. And to be sure, of course that the driver guy won't follow them, roll them over or pull a gun of their own.

    This is a survival moment, it's better to pay a fine for illegal guns than... you know, die. Even if He goes to jail (That I see almost impossible with his power and money. Also it will be easy to demostrate they were assaulted and it was self-defense), at least he could protect at his pregnant partner better, who is already sick. Just the stress of the situation can make him go into labor/espontaneus abort, not to mention walking in a dangerous area with fire spreading like hell and probably a lot of smoke.

    The floor colapsing over the driver was "lucky", but if that wouldn't be like that they would still had to kill him to be able to escape.