Yahwi Stans reasons why they're Yahoo stans: so far: "Read chapter 5 again." "CAiN suS. HEy dumbasses rEmembER Cain SuS. SUSSSSSSS" "Our baby Yahwi had such a rough childhood you don't understand. HE'S RICH AND WEALTHY SO HE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND THINGS UWU TEHEE" "I get that Yahwi is shitty, but for some reason I'm more worried about what Cain is still HYPOTHETICALLY doing y'know anyway he's sus" "All of you shut the fuck up he's the end game" "Cain boring" "I like toxic idk" "Yahwi hot bark bark snarl choke me" "sHuT uP iT'S nOne of YouR conCerN >:(("
Yahwi Stans reasons why they're Yahoo stans: so far:
"Read chapter 5 again."
"CAiN suS. HEy dumbasses rEmembER Cain SuS. SUSSSSSSS"
"Our baby Yahwi had such a rough childhood you don't understand. HE'S RICH AND WEALTHY SO HE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND THINGS UWU TEHEE"
"I get that Yahwi is shitty, but for some reason I'm more worried about what Cain is still HYPOTHETICALLY doing y'know anyway he's sus"
"All of you shut the fuck up he's the end game"
"Cain boring"
"I like toxic idk"
"Yahwi hot bark bark snarl choke me"
"sHuT uP iT'S nOne of YouR conCerN >:(("