Ah shït here we go again.....

Daisuke Kambe's Credit Card February 17, 2021 1:57 am

One thing that really bothers me is the fact that Yansheng can’t seem to make up his mind. Like Luoan is shït, we know and supposedly Yansheng loves him but then he pulls shįt like in this chapter...... WTF MAKE UP YOUR MIND!! And the butter is so right! Like I’m sure Yansheng isn’t stupid.... BUT WHY WHEN IT COMES TO LUOAN, ANY SENSE OF INTELLIGENCE JUST DISAPPEARS! HES BASICALLY TURNING A BLIND EYE AND IS IN DENIAL OF THE FACT THAT LUOAN CAN BE OF FAULT, BUT HE’S SO WRONG! How convenient he has no doubt for luoan, legit just letting the bad guy win.

    hanalulu February 17, 2021 2:49 am

    I also find funnny how Gu says that Niannian is a liar, manipulative, cunning, etc but that's exactly what that bitch Luo An is and he can't see it
    lol he is not so bright is he ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

    Daisuke Kambe's Credit Card February 17, 2021 9:38 am
    I also find funnny how Gu says that Niannian is a liar, manipulative, cunning, etc but that's exactly what that bitch Luo An is and he can't see it lol he is not so bright is he ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ hanalulu

    Yeah exactly. It’s so ironic and I get that he’s being tricked by Luoan but legit every time it’s about Luoan he just doesn’t see it.... ugh