Getting angry at me for what? Just bc a character is getting on my nerves doesn't mean I'm hating on the entire webtoon, author, or even the plot I actually really like this so don't assume I'm hating on this, and if I was the one in the wrong here then my bad but jeez
I have a right to my own opinion and the reason I even said this was because I just wish the mc would tell her father about him, or even just say that she doesn't trust him or something along those lines to direct her father away from that guy. That's all. My bad if if you took this the wrong way as well because it actually sounds a lot worse w/o the emojis I had put I forgot that they don't have some emojis I regularly use in the system so it came out a lot harsher than I meant.
That's all I have to say thanks :)
She really gets on my nerves