
^w^ February 16, 2021 9:09 pm

Can anyone tell me why people are talking bad about taku? What did he do? I skipped around while reading so I don’t get it

    wonuyaaa February 16, 2021 9:14 pm

    this comment incapsulates it pretty well: http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/9517513/

    you should maybe not skip around while reading or the story goes over your head.

    hmm February 16, 2021 9:26 pm

    why’d you skip around reading it? o:

    basically he manipulated haesoo multiple times and pressured him into being in a relationship. it was revealed later that his initial motivation for pursuing haesoo was to get haesoo to have feelings for him, then leave him, so he could read what haesoo would write about him after he broke up with him. he ended up catching feelings for haesoo but even at the end prioritized himself. I think people also find him frustrating because he never really took accountability for his actions or admitted he was wrong. but he still gets his own happy ending, so if you like him there’s that! (:

    後輩じゃない ^_−☆ February 16, 2021 9:29 pm

    If you have the time, please do read it straight through from the beginning. You'll notice things you missed before and also the impact of the chapters to come will be more meaningful and you'll enjoy this manhwa a lot more if you're invested from the start

    Abby<3yaoi February 16, 2021 9:34 pm

    honestly i don’t hate him i wish they would get together but all the way around each relationship is toxic taku and haesoo and joowon and haesoo

    Iris February 17, 2021 1:01 am
    honestly i don’t hate him i wish they would get together but all the way around each relationship is toxic taku and haesoo and joowon and haesoo Abby<3yaoi

    Dafak you sayin'?

    Abby<3yaoi February 17, 2021 1:45 am
    Dafak you sayin'? Iris

    ik he did him really wrong and i wish he would change honesty but both relationships are toxic either way u look at it joowon gets jelly which isn’t bad but to a extent it’s a little to much and taku very
    Manipulative but as i said i wish taku wasn’t so manipulative

    Iris February 17, 2021 1:52 am
    ik he did him really wrong and i wish he would change honesty but both relationships are toxic either way u look at it joowon gets jelly which isn’t bad but to a extent it’s a little to much and taku very M... Abby<3yaoi

    Waiー can you actually tell me how is jealousy is 'toxic' ? I am a little confused with how you really phrasing it but how is jealousy even relevant here, I believe their past relationship was toxic but not anymore so I don't think you have the right to call their relationship toxic.

    Abby<3yaoi February 17, 2021 2:12 am
    Waiー can you actually tell me how is jealousy is 'toxic' ? I am a little confused with how you really phrasing it but how is jealousy even relevant here, I believe their past relationship was toxic but not an... Iris

    that’s was im saying it used to be very toxic that’s why i’m not sure if i actually like him rn im sorry if i offended u( ̄∇ ̄")