Step 1- DON'T LIE AND SAY IT'S PERFECT! Being truthful doesn't necessarily equate to being hurtful. Step 2- Start by asserting the positive about the action. Step 3- Proceed to state the areas that need improvement. Step 4- Be supportive and reassert positive points if necessary. Bonus Step- Use one of those "trial is mother of success" quotes. Encouragement is important but instilling false confidence in is just setting them up for self-doubt, later on, it's taking away an occasion for them to actually get good at whatever it is they are currently not stellar at.
But anyway did he not try out the potion first to see if it tastes poisonous or not? And if he did I have questions for his tastes buds.
please say it louder for those in the back. Hes going to feel so betrayed when he realizes all of the potions are horrid, causing her to vomit, and stealing her energy when she should be healing. She needs get healthy for next year and be using the time to research a way to beat the spirit.
Step 1- DON'T LIE AND SAY IT'S PERFECT! Being truthful doesn't necessarily equate to being hurtful.
Step 2- Start by asserting the positive about the action.
Step 3- Proceed to state the areas that need improvement.
Step 4- Be supportive and reassert positive points if necessary.
Bonus Step- Use one of those "trial is mother of success" quotes.
Encouragement is important but instilling false confidence in is just setting them up for self-doubt, later on, it's taking away an occasion for them to actually get good at whatever it is they are currently not stellar at.
But anyway did he not try out the potion first to see if it tastes poisonous or not? And if he did I have questions for his tastes buds.