Anyone have seen the raws? Why do I have this feeling about the second condition of that e...

FckMeAidenFlynn February 16, 2021 2:34 pm

Anyone have seen the raws? Why do I have this feeling about the second condition of that elf? I can't shake this feeling but, I dunno something's off

    Lix Liz February 16, 2021 3:09 pm

    Right I want to see the raws too cus I can’t find them at all.

    Ari February 16, 2021 3:10 pm

    Tbh I feel like his request is going to be to have sex with Caius at some point T-T

    Lix Liz February 16, 2021 3:14 pm
    Tbh I feel like his request is going to be to have sex with Caius at some point T-T Ari

    Yes, I’m soooo scared for that. Ima be so mad if he tries to take advantage of any of them both. I already want to strangle him, ima end up wanting to kill him.

    newsoftheshaman February 16, 2021 5:18 pm

    We wre up to date with the official English translations. Weirdly enough, I couldn’t find the Japanese raws for the longest time. The one in mrm is only up to ch10 afaik. If anyone finds it I hope they can share it here

    FckMeAidenFlynn February 16, 2021 5:28 pm
    Tbh I feel like his request is going to be to have sex with Caius at some point T-T Ari

    I was hesitant to tell that but you got what I reason on what I was worried for. I mean, their friend (I forgot the name of that Titan, that one who told them about this elf), that this elf fcked a Titan before. So, kinda have this idea that he wanted to get a taste of Caius