so what i discovered in the chapter is that both of them were treated horrible when they w...

Trin February 16, 2021 11:52 am

so what i discovered in the chapter is that both of them were treated horrible when they were little but he still gets excused for poisoning her, selling her to a disgusting piece of shit and ignoring her letters for help as she died horribly? i mean i totally get that he had it harder then her bc he’s an illegitimate child but still y’all... i totally get her getting over it and saying it’s in the past and not hating him for it bc he’s still a teenager (i think) and don’t get me wrong i love his character bc he’s interesting and he is hot i get it but guysssss i like his character and all but as her BROTHER not as a love interest, like i get it he’s hot and you do get tension vibes from them and i did consider it at first but after learning and seeing so much you can just see how much they shouldn’t be together in that way and how he needs her as a sister bc everything he gets soft is when she does something that reminds him of the past. our FL needs someone that can help her heal and not someone that she’s going to have to help heal while she’s scared of if he might kill her also her brother

    Trin February 16, 2021 11:54 am

    i would totally not be suprised if he ends up developing romantic feelings toward doe lmao but we all know she’s never gonna feel that way for him

    Mel February 16, 2021 11:57 am

    PERIOD. like they have brother love and that's it. They could never have a relationship that way either it just wouldn't work. They need this kind of sibling love to be able to heal not relationship like tf.

    Trin February 16, 2021 12:00 pm
    PERIOD. like they have brother love and that's it. They could never have a relationship that way either it just wouldn't work. They need this kind of sibling love to be able to heal not relationship like tf. Mel

    RIGHT!! like the reason he’s so messed up and she became the way she did in her previous life was because they had no familial love and even when he fell for olivia in his previous life it was still like possessive and obsessive so it’s proof he needs family not romance

    lomi February 16, 2021 12:29 pm

    I agree. It's so unfair, it seems like Cayena must always be the bigger person!!!