lily supremacy

trashcan February 16, 2021 8:13 am

as a fellow misunderstood introvert with a RBF, this is a threat and a promise: lily i will go to war for you

    Nay February 26, 2021 1:16 pm

    ugh same , people always assume I'm mad and they're always afraid to approach me, (as an anti social person I LOVE IT) but I hate that i got the title of being known as someone rude just cause of my face

    trashcan February 26, 2021 8:33 pm
    ugh same , people always assume I'm mad and they're always afraid to approach me, (as an anti social person I LOVE IT) but I hate that i got the title of being known as someone rude just cause of my face Nay

    RIGHT and i love lily because of how much she minds her business even when people are so mean to her bc god knows I would not do the same hhhh