I love Eren, but that theory of him using the war hammer titan power to use bluetooth from...

Lovlis February 16, 2021 5:21 am

I love Eren, but that theory of him using the war hammer titan power to use bluetooth from Paradis thousands of miles away via a large cord that nobody managed to notice is a BIT hard to believe. He’s literally been shown to be in the titan.
I don’t think Isayama would kill the mc off like this (at the hands of Jean of all ppl) and hope he’s alive but not through that.

    umasou~ February 17, 2021 12:32 am

    that life line should be pretty hard to notice so yeah i dont care for the warhammer theory either.

    umasou~ February 17, 2021 12:44 am
    that life line should be pretty hard to notice so yeah i dont care for the warhammer theory either. umasou~

    *pretty hard to NOT notice
    damn my thoughts aren't making it to my fingertips as i type.