
xicey February 15, 2021 10:19 pm

I know people want Medusa and Helios to be a thing but for some reason I got a feeling Helios and pysche could be a thing.

    xicey February 15, 2021 11:04 pm


    just reading February 16, 2021 12:40 pm


    error404 February 18, 2021 3:25 am

    I am actually rooting for Helios and Psyche. I am not a fan of "childhood friends becoming lovers" stories at all and I do not think that Helios and Medea will be suited for each other. When in a relationship both partners have to be each others equals, but in Medea and Helios situation I feel like the only reason he is so stuck on her cuz she saved him, he views her more as his savior than a lover and he is obsessed with her, and if they were to be in a relationship I feel like Helios would never be Medeas equal cuz he'll always view her as above him and as his savior rather than his equal. Whereas Psyche and Helios both have much to teach each other and I feel like they'll have amazing chemistry if they were to end up together.
