He basically is like intersex...they mentioned him having a womb eventhough he is a guy..this is why Ci Nian's dad thinks he is a 'monster' and this is also why Ci Nian never mentions anything to Cheng cuz he was scared Cheng would think he was a monster too and abandon him like his dad did
I think he has womb which is connected to his rectum. Many women irl too suffer from this condition resulting in them sometimes pooping from their Vagina.
He basically is like intersex...they mentioned him having a womb eventhough he is a guy..this is why Ci Nian's dad thinks he is a 'monster' and this is also why Ci Nian never mentions anything to Cheng cuz he w... Popbampop
I think he has womb which is connected to his rectum. Many women irl too suffer from this condition resulting in them sometimes pooping from their Vagina. Chimmygirl
wow rly? i should do some research abt this. thanks for explaining!
how did he give birth tho? did they mention it in previous chapters? ion remember reading anything abt it