
mangaholic February 15, 2021 4:09 pm

My issue with Kirishima isnt that he has lots of partners rn since they arent really together. Im just worried that when they get together he will continue to have sex or flirt with women because its a good source of information and kinda his job.

Which I get but it sucks cuz even if Yoshino is fine with it, its still infidelity. Unless they decide to have an open relationship in which case Yoshino should also be able to have sex with men but I just dont see her being that type of person. ┗( T﹏T )┛

Also Yoshino might be fine with it now since they arent together but if they start dating and she gets bothered, jealous or sad by it, I dont think hes going to stop. Like I feel like he would comfort her and apologise and tell her he loves her like he does in the manga now but he defo seems like the type of person to put his work first.

Tbh if Kirishima doesnt undergo a massive personality change to monogamy then I hope that Yoshino does flirt and stuff with other guys/girls cuz otherwise it feels liek shes drawing the short end of the stick.

    Doll February 15, 2021 11:20 pm

    Exactly he's so irritating, he loves her but still have sex with other girls like that is so disrespectful! But i'm glad the girl isn't in love with him and stay unbothered for life cuz that boy is untrustworthy!