Ugh, the whole scene with his father, seeing the complete translation is so important to further understanding Joowon’s fear and hesitation all this time. I really appreciate how author kept that thread of Joowon’s vulnerability and abandonment issues running through the story. During the breakup, when they were separated by the parents, even the little panel showing Joowon sitting by himself in front of the tv, how he grew up alone most of the time.
And more insight on the other half of the “perfectionist” parents- caught up in chasing status, making deals and getting ahead materially, not understanding love or emotional well-being.
I was also thinking about how Haesoo must’ve felt like it was a major sacrifice for Joowon to forgo a conventional family life, with wife and kids, because the idea of family was so important to him. I feel Joowon re-emphasizing that it’s Haesoo that he’s always wanted, no matter the cost, is also important for the reader. Especially since some people still have trouble understanding the depth of that love.
I love this chapter a lot cause it addresses some main points of conflict that was holding both Joowon and Haesoo back from telling each other their true feelings. And it shows their clear growth, plus them COMMUNICATING (finally!!) to overcome their obstacles.
Like first it showed with a lot more depth: WHY Joowon was so hung up on Haesoo abandoning him, enough to not even try to start any relationship... ofc it all went back to his father’s manipulative words and lies saying: Haesoo will abandon him, he shouldnt start anything if he doesnt want to fail, etc. But I’m glad Joowon really stood up to his dad here, showing that he no longer believes what he said despite being gaslit like this for years. Also its sad how Joowon realizes his father might have never really loved him and how he was neglected as a child/teen... he was given a lot of luxury, but no love or affection, and he only realized over the years that material things =/= love :(( But I do think this fact made it easier for Joowon to be with Haesoo who genuinely does love him and care about him.
And then there’s Haesoo. Haesoo didnt just leave and break things off with jw because he was scared to lose his mom (though i believe that was the main reason). He also feared that Joowon will come to regret their relationship because its gonna mess things up like his career and his r/s with his father. HAESOO CLEARLY VOICES THIS in the chapter by asking if Joowon regrets being with him due to having to compromise things in his life, and how he was worried about that. And ofc we already know Joowon’s answer to due to what this story shows time and time again :’) this man would literally give up anything for Haesoo. So yeah... Just good to see them communicating and addressing some of their problems that pulled them apart in the first place. And ofcourse them finally being able to openly say ‘I love you’ to each other is beautiful and makes all the pain and everything worth it.