It's so sad but satisfying in my opinion. Of course it's super depressing that Shuli have ... February 15, 2021 3:39 pm

It's so sad but satisfying in my opinion. Of course it's super depressing that Shuli have to die that way or die at all despite her hardships :<, but I still carry hatred for the kids from the original timeline.
I still remember the PAIN of the prologue and the narration of the past in Shuli's pov where the kids were TOO MUCH. She was not welcomed at all, bullied, ignored, and humiliated by the kids ever since. I WAS SO HURT (ノ`Д´)ノ

I know it's the result of miscommunication and misunderstanding from both parties.. but damn :<<

And now, they never realized how she is important until its too late, can't apologize anymore or tell that they love her...and they will carry that regret for the rest of their lives.
I love this manhwa so much!!

    Hime February 15, 2021 4:14 pm

    Miscommunication and misunderstanding. They all were dear to each other and thought of them as a family, but BOTH didn’t spoke up to tell something most people would see as normal.
    Shuli in first timeline felt more like she was only moving forward bc time didn’t stop and her legs could still walk. The children lost someone important not once but twice, with no clear chance of a normal childhood. None of them reached out their hands to the other.
    Probably everybody in the house not only the kids will carry the regret with them, and shuli died with all her regrets that she has and the guilt that she could have done more.
    Hope u can overcome that hate bc most like the family is endgame.