Babe if you say no to a sex partner, they will just find someone else to sleep with, its simple. Yes, they are sex partners they are not dating yet, it was a one night standing. MC is really fucking lucky he denied the girl cause that would only happen 1 out of 1000000000 times considering the situation, so he should change his atittude. Im not talking about whats right or wrong, Im just being realistic, or we can just pretend we live in wonderland and think that loaded hot af big dick guy will keep himself from geeting laid for ever until MC decides to lmao. Hope its clear now (●'◡'●)ノ
Ownnn did I crush your dreams? Do you really think handsome rich and free men in real life wait for ever for some random girl/guy to want to have sex with them? Hope you live a good life in wonderland. Youre so sweet !! You those dreamy girls who loves fluffy and HATES when SINGLE PEOPLE sleep around right?? ownn cute. Hope you find your prince charming lmao
Honestly, the fact he reject the girl is like fairy tale, no way he wouldve since MC didnt let him fuck him and they are not even in a relationship. Big Dick is horny he would totally go for the girl there normally. So you better not reject him next time or you can say good bye to big dick daddy.