hm, will the fans like the actual rapist and the person who keeps hurting jooin emotionall...

risa kim February 15, 2021 5:51 am

hm, will the fans like the actual rapist and the person who keeps hurting jooin emotionally, or the mysterious guy who has only ever cared about jooin’s needs and has done nothing besides being a bit sus?

like...the answer is very clear. i’m so tired of yahwi constantly hurting jooin, what a mean person.

    Meemajung February 15, 2021 5:57 am

    I very like Cain he didn’t try to do anything bad to Jooin but I know that at the end Jooin isn’t going to choose him.

    Ari February 15, 2021 7:10 am

    Thats what I was thinking

    Bruuh February 15, 2021 7:41 am

    I kinda see why people like him, he wasn't so detestable before and well, he seemed to really think Jooin was aware of what was happening, kissing him and all. So they cling to that and root for Yawhi, but I think they'll give up next time he fucks up. The raws show 2 more I think. But for real
    The whole random foreigner claimed to know you in a past, is sus, gives creepy looks and has a kinda stalkish behavior creeps me out in Cain, I try to ignore it cause he's cute but damn, both male leads suck