Everyone keeps recommending this to me but i couldn't even finish chapter 1 because the au...

tofu February 15, 2021 8:03 am

Everyone keeps recommending this to me but i couldn't even finish chapter 1 because the author made the MC call himself a "housewife"... one of my biggest pet peeves :(

    moontoyourbin February 23, 2021 9:56 pm

    Same, especially when people/ characters refer the uke as the female/ mother in the relationship but I still continued the story and never regretted it, this story does get better however the first 2 volumes are bit boring, I'd say skim read it ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ and start from vol3.

    JaneSarang March 3, 2021 11:49 pm
    Same, especially when people/ characters refer the uke as the female/ mother in the relationship but I still continued the story and never regretted it, this story does get better however the first 2 volumes ar... moontoyourbin

    It's because I so many Asian language wife or mom words not only uses for females. So yes they say themselves mom but not every mom is a woman.

    moontoyourbin March 4, 2021 9:15 am
    It's because I so many Asian language wife or mom words not only uses for females. So yes they say themselves mom but not every mom is a woman. JaneSarang

    Oh, thank you for explaining it :)

    tofu March 4, 2021 9:45 am
    It's because I so many Asian language wife or mom words not only uses for females. So yes they say themselves mom but not every mom is a woman. JaneSarang

    I'm an asian gay man. In my personal life, feminine terms like "girlfriend" "wife" "mom" are too often used to degrade a guy, to mock gay couples, and to enforce gender stereotype on gay people in general. So i have too many negative associations with those words. Aside from that, i do think that authors should stop normalizing using those words when depicting gay relationship because it does encourage gender normativity and role stereotype in some ways.