An anime I watched a few years ago...

Fujoshi._.uwu February 15, 2021 4:49 am

It is about a girl (white hair with blue eyes) who kinda melts/dissolves everything she touches. She has like a 'pattern' thing on her chest with like a blue crystal embedded. She has a sister (short, black hair...can be mistaken as a guy). Their father created them to destroy the world. In the beginning, some army tropes came to kidnap her but I think she touched one of them and burn the heck out of them (I think on the face...I'm not sure). The male lead (brownish hair/dark hair) came and fought off the army tropes and take her instead. The ending is where the white-hair girl got sucked into like a portal but the male lead somehow pulled her out and she became a normal girl.

I have been trying to find this anime but no one seems to know what I am talking about...

Thank you in advance <3

    GotHumor February 15, 2021 6:28 am

    I think that's called Code Realize

    Fujoshi._.uwu February 15, 2021 7:13 am
    I think that's called Code Realize GotHumor

    OMG Thank you so much !!!!! (I didn't realize the main girl has brown hair)

    Thank you thank you thank you !!!! <3

    I would rlly like to give you a hug!