eh... he tried to explain his reasons for hiding, but Serphin ignored him for over a week and then rather than talk to John she went to Arlo to hear his side of the story (he left out over 70% of what he did to John while she was away) and she just takes Arlo's word over Johns and then later desides to try and talk... All of this while John wanted to talk to her so badly and then finds that she is secretly meeting the guy who set him off and taking that guys side.. Then you have the fact that John was already unsettled because of the agent guy who "Fixed" John's past behavior and the fats that Seraphine became a cripple and none of her "friend" helped protect her so John had to do it and chose to do it from the shadows, but again Arlo had to go and dump all responcibilities on him. Now John's PTSD, anxiety, stress and broken pshyke is all over the place and he cant destinguis the now from the past. He is hurting and yet noone gives a shit because "he was a cripple, but now when he acts like the high tiers he is seen as a villain and dictator" Why was all of this ok when it wasnt John, but not when it is. Atleast John is still holding himself back and trying to stay in controle.. think about it.. he can coppy any ability he has been close to and has an understanding of how it works. This means John is almost maxed out in all ranks of ability stats and if he realy when nots.. they would all already have been dead, but yet only a few have had to be hospitalize.. Yet befor John became king, mass hospitalising was common and many low tiers dropped out of school because they couldnt stand the torment from mid and high tiers.

Another point is you have to think on the perspective of someone who was bullied and tormented. At first the victim is more likely to say that bullying isn't needed and its unfair to treat people like other are above them. But after being bullied for so long, one is more likely to become a bully themselves and everything they talked about before can go out the window. I think we just need to be a bit patient, everyone has a redemption arc at some point.

Yass i absolutely agree. He has been through a lot and has been holding his anger back for a serious reason (now we know why). The blond hair guy is the one who wanted to literally force john to show his true powers and just had to do it by betraying him. That trigerred john into this madness. And now they want him to stop??? Like wtf. No, john will stop once he feel like it. Like literally the blond hair dude (forgot his name) could've done it any other way to see his powers but nooo they had to go behind his back like that.
(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

I know it dosnt exuse his behavior, but also the arguemnt of "he is going to far, being to mean and shit" that ppl are using should also not exuse what everyone did to him and Seraphin! Yet so many are saying John is out of contoll yet he is doing what all the high tiers were doing and he is the only one considers out of controle?
He learned this behavior.. from the way he and Serphine wewe treated and yet she is questioning him when she hasnt even experienced 1/100 of the torment he has.. and alll because she use to ba a high tier so ppl are afraid of huring her as she has "friends" in high places...
John is practicaly a mirior atm... reflecting everything that is wrong with the societys norm that eveyone lived with, but when the one doing it is "the outcast" then the flaws are inuhanced when done by someone already looked at badly.
The saying "Do unto others what you want others to do onto you" is just like the school atm.. but everyone is complaining that its not "Do onto others what ever you want, yet expect them to be nice and respect you".

Yes thats exactly what i mean. Sepraphin really annoyed me like if he was there for you and changed you, the least you should is understand him. He literally had no one in his side, then you came along which is good for him and all but then you left him for hiding his powers??? Did you know WHY he hid them?... but im worried that she might do smth that really trigger him. I just home that when she get her powers back she dosnt hit him deep with betrayal. I dont wanna see john getting misunderstood or betrayed again. Its just too painful ┗( T﹏T )┛

Oh also. I find it funny how he was managing just fine.. before Seraphien became his friend. Back then he would have maybe 1-3 visits to the nurse a day and none big injuries.. but because She became interested in him.. he got on the radar of the mid and high tiers.. = 5+ visits to the nurse a day with boken limbs as a regular..
Seraphine is literaly the reason John became the main target of everyone and the reason Arlo targeted and betrayed him.. and yet John is the bad guy and Seraphin is the victim..

I just wanna drop my opinion here as well. I don’t see anything wrong about John here. We have to understand that this is how hierarchy system in Wellston works. If you’re on top, you have the authority to bully those who are below you. This is exactly what happened to John before. He had to swallow all the bullying before just because he was “weak”. Because that is how the god damn system was supposed to be.
Now what I’m bothered is why is everyone against what John is doing right now. Isn’t that what was everyone doing before? That’s why i don’t get why Wellston people hate John to that extent.

its simple.. you have to think of them as rich kids who have always gotten whatever they wanted with no consiquences, and now they are the ones being supressed and being ignored and looked down on so they are in shock. But they still see themself as "superior" so how dare someone "Lower" than them treat them this way!.
All the medium and high tiers are from influential families with a history of all medium or high tiers.. so just think of a Tier = wealth. John was tier 0 = living on the streat. And the royals are tier 7+ = top 1 % and medium is tier 4-6 = have 2 houses and and income around half a mill and up.
This is wht the goverment and school lets high tiers bully ... they are richkids.. but if someone like John is in power its equal to a Homeless Orphan attacking a richkid or a member of a royal family!

Yes the whole system was stupid from the beginning becuase of the king. I remember i think it was in the beginning before john power was revealed... after arlos found about John he was looking down from the rooftop and thinking everyone is at the right place... it was showing us the strong people's place was to bully the weak, the people with the same level getting along and the weak people's place is to be feared of the strong...??!!? Thats he thinks it should be wtf?? He was mad because he doesn't know where john was supposed to be and decides to stir things up

why tf is everyone angry at him for literally doing what people wanted him to act like. But whats really annoying is that arlos wanting to stop him like ...weren't YOU the one who wanted him to act strong and all and werent you the one who tricked him in the first place and now look at him tryna find a way to stop john. ( ̄へ ̄)
Why John is so unnecessarily agresive. I just can't follow his changes at all. First he acts like a normal person trying to prove that power is not everything, and now he uses this to obtain supremacy by force. And he is hella arogant, where does this come from. I mean I can understand a little, since he was like this in the past, it's harder to change and maintain it than just screw everything and go back to those habits. But still, he hurt the only friend he has and doesn't even explain why he acting like that. Is his goal just to prove supremacy? Than i am disappointed. He turned into an asshole that everyone hates. I hope he is happy now.