Right people really expect people to fall in love at first sight like they do when children stories but it takes time to build a relationship and that simply won't happen if they don't make contact but somehow the emperor is the bad guy for not loving the wife he barely knows and it didn't choose for himself

I completely agree with you.
Everyone's acting like the Emperor is a terrible person, when in reality he just didn't care about the Empress. And, honestly, there's nothing wrong with that???? The only time he was 'mean' to her was when he was a child and said her hair reminded him of cobwebs. Like, that's it??
And we know he did it, cause he was already in a bad mood about being, in his words, 'sold'.
These people need to relax.

Not only does it take time but it also takes effort which neither of them were willing to take. Being a perfect Empress is one thing but being unable to communicate with your husband is another. The Emperor didn't know how to interact with her and she didn't know how to properly convey her feelings. At least he wants to do right by her and wish for her happiness now.
All this hate on him is so unnecessary. I get that he was indifferent to her and neglected her but it wasn't like he was cruel to her. They got married for political reasons and most of the time he just couldn't understand why she was so obsessed with being perfect. The two of them barely speak openly with one another and her death having no large impact immediately is understandable. It's true he should have spoken more to his wife and while I understand how difficult it must be for her to be upfront about her thoughts due to the abuse she's gotten from her parents, her husband wouldn't be able to see things from her point of view.
He regretted it later on after reading her diary because he finally understood at least some of her feelings. He even wanted to annul the engagement for her sake so that she would be much happier marrying someone else. Him wanting to protect her now is simply a result of sensing that the Duke and his wife are the reason for her behaviour.
Also, what is up with this trope of having shitty ass parents??? Just. Why????