
CosAniMan February 14, 2021 7:54 pm

So had to reread the first 2 chapters since I forgot the reason why everyone was hating MC.
SO she was born from a maid, but like where is that said maid? If everyone hated the MC as a kid why raise her in that household? Instead of hating the MC why not hate the MC's dad who cheated in his wife to slept with a maid who ended up conceiving the MC. I know this is a common trope in webcomics and manga, but it just gets a bit cliche will we ever see the father man up to his mistakes and take responsibility for most likely r@p3!ng the maid giving child support/a separate household for the mother to take care of the child. Like the MC literally did nothing wrong, but everyone is making her out to be a villain when she literally did nothing but exist.

    nunyabiz February 14, 2021 9:22 pm

    If I remember correctly, he married the maid aka her mom but her mom is also an asshole to her and her sister. This whole country looks down on commoners because their heads are so up their own asses while looking down on everyone else.

    levisloverboy February 14, 2021 10:35 pm

    i mean, as much as i agree with u, and hate the fact that nobody hates the man that cheats, isn't todays society the same just a bit less extreme? most ppl look at the woman that the man cheated with, and think of her as a whore that ruined somebodys relationship, and if a child is concieved by cheating its look down as some mistake
    ppl overlook the man that cheated, bc its easier to say that a woman seduced him

    levisloverboy February 14, 2021 10:37 pm
    i mean, as much as i agree with u, and hate the fact that nobody hates the man that cheats, isn't todays society the same just a bit less extreme? most ppl look at the woman that the man cheated with, and think... levisloverboy

    looked down upon*