Dude I agree with you. He’s an ass and while it is fiction, it’s just so sad that the bottom loves a toxic man. Like good god, keep up with the self respect you had. Honestly I hate the top. But I’m going to keep reading Bc I want to see if the bottom will be the typical “I forgive you for treating me like shit, even though you were an ass you are better now” trope.
It reminds me of the “bring a baby into this toxic relationship, it’ll change the man for good” trope.

anyone saying j dont read it then
damn yall must fetishize bl bc there should not be this kind of abusive manipulative stories just for ppl to see two guys have sex every two episodes the fans have every right to criticize a story and still read it
i personally agree 100% with what this person is saying

Then you all must be damn masochists then if you keep on complaining and ranting about a main character every chapter and still continue reading it. If you're going to quit reading after deciding ML isn't worth it then obviously we're not talking about you. But it isn't the case with every commenter here.
Keith is so freaking annoying. It doesn't matter what he does, be it act sweet or what knot. It just makes my eyes roll to the back of my head. I wouldn't even dare call it SWEET. Who cares for his CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, he's an ass. Period. I mean, why do y'all want character development, even if he does it doesn't change the fact that he uses force on yeonwo to do lewd things with him nor will it take back the hurtful things he did to our mc. Literally one of the worst ml in the yaoi history. I just want yeonwo to cut ties with keith, live his life to the fullest, and to never involve himself with that a••hole ever again. I despise the thought hat they will end up together