Yeah being a woman during these times would be terrifying, im just surprised she didn't even get a bonus in pay even once for all that she's done, it wouldn't be giving her a new title it'd be showing that they appreciate her saving jinshis life or figuring out the salt incident which killed someone, or anything. Im sure jinshi at the least knows how valuable she is as a person, he comes to her often with questions and seeking help for things the palace is lacking in or they can't fully see the picture of, I would have thought he at the very least would have given her a bonus if not money then gifted her a special herb she likes or something. Anything.
For all the extra work she has done and the crimes she has solved and lives she has saved im very surprised they haven't given her either a rank increase, a work title change, or bonus in pay. I underdtandy her position is low, but after all she has done jinshi should at least thank her for saving his life at the very least in my opinion, and some reward should be given to her after all of this.