Honest question!!

Sharyeet88 February 14, 2021 11:30 am

Do y’all really not like reading or consuming dramatic content!? Like I come across a lot of stories with characters that are terrible people and some comments be like “that’s a bad person/ why are they even a main character/ hope they develop” like two chapters in! Read the story!! Can someone explain to me why y’all want specific things to happen in a story or you won’t like it? Idk like I could understand if the writing was bad in a storyline sense but not every character needs development or it might be the point that they don’t! Maybe I’m tripping but like let stories go how they go!.....

    afterhours February 14, 2021 12:00 pm

    I honestly agree with you. Character development isn't needed lots of times. You can like negative characters for what they are, without pushing for an unnecessary development for the good when it's really not that case.

    Sharyeet88 February 14, 2021 12:08 pm
    I honestly agree with you. Character development isn't needed lots of times. You can like negative characters for what they are, without pushing for an unnecessary development for the good when it's really not ... afterhours

    *big claps* thank you!

    I have no issue with expressing an opinion on a character or a story as a whole, but once you start applying or expecting your ideal or even “common sense” actions or outcomes, you’re already not judging the story fairly. Especially if the story is not even completed!

    Bleh February 14, 2021 5:11 pm
    *big claps* thank you! I have no issue with expressing an opinion on a character or a story as a whole, but once you start applying or expecting your ideal or even “common sense” actions or outcomes, you’... Sharyeet88

    Correct because first of all you’re the consumer if you don’t like the story leave it alone the author didn’t write it to appeal to you

    Sharyeet88 February 14, 2021 6:09 pm
    Correct because first of all you’re the consumer if you don’t like the story leave it alone the author didn’t write it to appeal to you Bleh

    Exactly! It’s ok to not like a story or how it’s going...but then leave! Like don’t get me wrong I love a good happy ending (hehehe *wink*) but keyword “ending”! I’m not gonna comment about how the story should go halfway through cuz that would be boring!! I’m here to read about the triumphs and defeats, the epic highs and lows of high school football!! Let the story progress and then say “wasn’t my cup of tea” or “wish there was a happy ending” or “this character should have been more fleshed out”! Those statements make a lot more sense after it ends!! Patience!