No he hasn't except for when he was defending himself against yahwi "friends" but most of the times he let's it slide or simple blushes on how yahwi talks to him not realizing yawhi is mocking/teasing him. He might say something but in the end he back on yahwi, he doesnt get mad like how he did with Cain or when he defended himself, those were the actual times he got mad. And your probably right he doesnt want to involve Cain but to tell him to apologize to yahwi for defending is stupid since Cain the only that seems to actually care for jooin well being since jooin isn't realizing much. When yahwi told him "it was good for me" he blushed not realizing that of course it was good for him(yahwi) since he kept getting what he wanted & not for jooin since he didn't get want he wants. He should've pushed away when he said that but he didn't.
I saw a spoiler for the recent raw but Jooin made me mad, like I know he upset but what he said to Cain pissed me off (its nothing serious but...) like he tell this to Cain but dumbass can't say it Yahwi? Like yea be mad but its so stupid that he let it slide for Yahwi, like dude Cain just trying protect you, he just doesn't want see you hurt.+
To give content Cain talk back to Yahwi trying defend(?) Jooin & Jooin scold him for how rude Cain was (& also because Cain called him master which Jooin hates) and i just got so furious because Jooin would let Yawhi talk shit & treat him wrong but God forbid Cain talking back to Yahwi