A mature story, mostly...

Lost-Fudanshi January 8, 2016 5:24 am

I loved it. It's so refreshing to have a yaoi that doesn't have a "prince" character in it. Both these characters were 100% human, flawed, and raw. They were both assholes at times, and I think they matched each other well. It's nice to read something now and then that isn't cute and fluffy and full of flowers. If anyone deserved sympathy it was Igawase's boyfriend there at the very beginning, what a horrible way to find out your lover is pursuing someone else, poor guy! I couldn't feel sorry for either the uke's wife or girlfriend though. I mean the wife wasn't in love with him, had no desire to sleep with him, and didn't care at all if he slept with someone else until she realized she might get money out of it. And then there's Natsuki, she seemed nice in college, but in the present when she realized how Kyouichi felt about Imagase, she decides to interfere to "save him" from a life of homosexuality? What a homophobe and weirdo. How can you tie yourself to someone who you know doesn't want to be with you, but will follow you because "it's what society dictates," even though they're in love with someone else?? That sounds like a miserable life!

    lena15 January 25, 2016 5:41 am

    u should see the sequel to this. much more twits with emotions.

    Lost-Fudanshi January 28, 2016 4:00 am

    Yeah the sequel was a rough read, too much misery in my opinion. I wanted to thump them both on the head.

    lena15 January 28, 2016 8:47 am

    yeah i would agree, but it beats the old happy live ever after ending....something different for a change

    fay96 April 9, 2016 9:43 pm

    you should also read totally captivated if you want equality in relationship.the uke was a previous seme and the seme was both a uke and a seme in the past.also you will cry as much you cried for this too.absolutely recommend it.