I really hated this. But that's probably cause I stopped reading on like page 190 somethin...

callisto January 8, 2016 4:32 am

I really hated this. But that's probably cause I stopped reading on like page 190 something. This only my opinion. And I don't think I'll give this another try. Sorry this only my opinion I'm sorry if this offended anyone.

    .... January 21, 2016 7:55 pm

    Only 190? I stopped in 60... It so annoying, furthermore it's so predictable..

    Cynder------ella February 7, 2018 1:38 pm

    Yeah me too. But i finished the whole thing trying to fine redemption from the seme (if he grow some balls and stop shiting the uke) and uke's ( he should stop going and talking to a man he claimed he hates to the deepest part of his heart and keep raping him) part. And i read again that "no!no!no = yes!yes!yes!" part and that "your body is more honest" lines while the uke looks like in pain but giving in. Its annoying for me. And i keep wondering why on earth a man a healthy physic doesn't fight back? And the realization in the end by the uke was too late for me to fully accept his character. 15 years at that doesn't gave him that realization of maybe's. Like "maybe he like the seme blah!blah!". Victim blaming is out of question here coz they both Argh! Characters for me. But hey! They have happy ever after kinda ending so.. but im sad with guy sub in the end coz he kinda gone with the wind and forgotten to fully express his motive or actions not just the explanation with the uke part. Not so believable for me and abit jumpy.