Black lead

Beee February 14, 2021 5:09 am

Could someone recommend a manga with a black female or male lead? I don’t see many with them being the lead, yes there are side character but I really wanna read a manga with a main black lead. So if you could recommend me one I would love to read it!

    Quicksilver February 14, 2021 6:51 am
    Dude and I should care what you like? You said you are offended when being called a person of colour and i am just as offended when being called black. So just keep your opinions to yourself will ya? In the rea... Ore-Sama

    and your family is not from the deep south

    Quicksilver February 14, 2021 6:25 pm
    That is how the Americans say it. It isnt a term but a way of calling. So i can spell it coloured. And you're being negligent about what I said initially. When I stated my response, I Clearly said that I wasn't... Ore-Sama

    "a way of calling" means this: nothing. Also, as I said, "colored people" is as offensive to me as the n-word. It's a demeaning term long-used before either of us was born. You don't know its history, obviously, or you wouldn't be so hot on being called it. It's also racist, surely you must see that. White people have color in their skin just like you do. I don't like it when words that seeks to set me apart from the rest of humanity comes into some kind of popular use. Also, simply put, it's too many damned letters to be demanding everyone switch to calling you by some term you want instead of thinking about the rest of the world. You started this. Now you want to claim innocence even though you've used way more fighting words than the rest of us put together.

    Quicksilver February 14, 2021 6:28 pm
    That is how the Americans say it. It isnt a term but a way of calling. So i can spell it coloured. And you're being negligent about what I said initially. When I stated my response, I Clearly said that I wasn't... Ore-Sama

    Rebekah isn't saying tictoc is her only source. obviously. It was just a reference. You picked on her for it because you like to fight

    Beee February 14, 2021 10:19 pm
    Im not tryna pick a fight. Just want to say its better to use 'a person of colour' than 'black'. (=・ω・=) Ore-Sama

    It’s not offensive from where I come from, they prefer it other than African American. I also use people of color so I’m not being offensive by saying that. The only reason the word “black” is used is because not ever black person is from Africa, also Black Lives Matter is a movement using the word black to describe black people. Also there’s black history month using the word black.

    I don’t know if it’s offensive from where your from but it’s not where I’m from. And I can’t use any other word to describe a black person because there isn’t any thing to specifically describe a black person other than a word I wouldn’t even dare think of.

    So please don’t say I’m being offensive because I’m not. You don’t know where I’m from and you don’t know what kind of person I am. Please ask next time where the person is from then explain.

    Beee February 14, 2021 10:31 pm
    Babe......a lot of black people on tiktok have made whole videos on this. We think it’s weird when we’re called “people of color” or “African americans” it’s fuckin stupid. Idc if you weren’t tr... Rebekah

    People of color is a less offensive term then colored people, I under stand why African American is offensive because not every black person is from Africa, but people of color is used by a lot of races other than white people to describe the minority that is black people, Mexicans, Muslims, and the Asian community.

    It is used to separate itself from white people and it mainly is used to have more then just white people in things. It’s how it’s described and I’m sorry that it might be offensive to you but a lot of other people are fine with that term because it has no abuse behind it. Meaning oppression and a nasty wording behind it.

    Quicksilver February 15, 2021 1:30 am
    People of color is a less offensive term then colored people, I under stand why African American is offensive because not every black person is from Africa, but people of color is used by a lot of races other t... Beee

    so the BLM bears no ill will toward white people. Is that what you're selling?
    The us and them mentality has no place in this world right now, and it's not the morals I hold. Equality is what previous generations fought and died for. Now you want to .set yourself apart from whites instead of working toward a world of equality for everyone.
    Black began in the sixties in the USA by the way. Stop trying to school me . You haven't told me a single new thing so far.
    So...You have to have more then just white people in things? You can't work alongside whites? You do know that's racism, right?

    Quicksilver February 15, 2021 1:32 am
    People of color is a less offensive term then colored people, I under stand why African American is offensive because not every black person is from Africa, but people of color is used by a lot of races other t... Beee

    Meaning oppression and a nasty wording behind it? I'm thinking of a few nasty words right now for your outlook on things.

    Beee February 15, 2021 2:32 am
    so the BLM bears no ill will toward white people. Is that what you're selling? The us and them mentality has no place in this world right now, and it's not the morals I hold. Equality is what previous genera... Quicksilver

    America has a lot of flaws we aren’t perfect I know that I’m part of the disabled community and two parts of the lbgtq+ community I’ve been called a fagget on the street. The black community fights for equal rights for every one. The people who really really want to make a change do it more then others as well, also you might have read what I wrote wrong?

    Here in the U.S. we use people of color and black people to describe people other than white people. Also the black community doesn’t want to set itself apart from that. They want to have equality because it has not been changed. It has just been blinded for the problems they face. They are trying to say a message to everyone to know what’s going on in every country because of white people.

    Also because I’m American doesn’t mean I’m stupid, I probably know a lot more about oppression then a lot of people because I shut up and listen and I learn and then I tell and fight with those people and try to fix it and get a message across.

    Also it’s not just America with these problems, Mexico has a femacide problem right now. Oh also stop acting like racism is just an American thing, don’t forget England and they’re colonizing or Canada harboring natzis during world war 2.

    Oh also blm doesn’t have any Ill intention towards white people if it did they would be turning up dead randomly in random places like black people do from white people. Also it’s racists not to have poc in movies hunny.

    Beee February 15, 2021 2:34 am
    Meaning oppression and a nasty wording behind it? I'm thinking of a few nasty words right now for your outlook on things. Quicksilver

    Man your quite an ass aren’t you? No wonder the other person got on you for being one. I was on your side at first reading through it but nah your just a racists and probably what we would call a redneck who would support trump. That’s what vibe you give off btw

    Beee February 15, 2021 2:36 am
    Dude and I should care what you like? You said you are offended when being called a person of colour and i am just as offended when being called black. So just keep your opinions to yourself will ya? In the rea... Ore-Sama

    I’m sorry you had to deal with that asshat, I’m dealing with them right now. But I am sorry that you find the word black offensive, I use it because I’m American and that’s what that community prefers.

    Beee February 15, 2021 2:49 am
    Babe......a lot of black people on tiktok have made whole videos on this. We think it’s weird when we’re called “people of color” or “African americans” it’s fuckin stupid. Idc if you weren’t tr... Rebekah

    They where being polite, they had the better view point threw the argument the other person attacked them a lot and they where just letting me know, please if you where trying to convey something be patient with people. I’m sorry if you have a lot of anger and are hurting inside but please be calm with people.

    Beee February 15, 2021 3:01 am
    Umm I’m not sure whether I should comment here or not because of the drama from the replies above but anyways here’s one.Link:[She looks more tan rat... Coffee

    Thank you so much, and it was fine you commented, I’m grateful you did cause I think other people didn’t because of it ;-;

    Beee February 15, 2021 3:11 am
    Meaning oppression and a nasty wording behind it? I'm thinking of a few nasty words right now for your outlook on things. Quicksilver

    Ok look, I wanted a good suggestion for a black lead manga and you couldn’t leave the other person alone. You could have walked away after just sharing a small amount of information. Then when I shared information with you, you attacked the fuck out of me. I’m sorry your hurting inside or what every bad may be happening in your life right know because I know what it’s like to be mad at life or depressed and have a lot of anger in general. But you need to not do that to people, they let me know that it was offensive witch is fine. I understand that.

    You took it to far and you need to put your anger somewhere els instead of on other people who piss you off with they’re opinion. Unless it affects you or someone you hun don’t put your input onto it. You do not get to talk about it because you have your panties in a bunch and are having a bad day.

    I was calm with you. But you weren’t with me so you came off as childish. I’m sorry if I made you mad, in the beginning. Please do you don’t hurt yourself or others around you find something that can help you. Yeah a stranger telling you that online isn’t the best but I hope you can.

    Quicksilver February 15, 2021 3:13 am
    America has a lot of flaws we aren’t perfect I know that I’m part of the disabled community and two parts of the lbgtq+ community I’ve been called a fagget on the street. The black community fights for eq... Beee

    Do you actually know any black people? You're making them out to be saints. Every good person has been working for equality for all. Ever heard of the civil rights movement? I mean, come the hell on. Saying it'a all black working hard for the good of humanity is ridiculous. Change has to happen among people, not apart as a segregated movement. I'm talking about the USA because it's what I know to be true of my own knowledge and experience. I don't presume to speak for others. You're pointing fingers at a lot of country's history. That only a little bit fair. The bigger picture is what we are doing about it now, and what's going on now is pretty bad. No one's country's history is to blame for the riots, looting, and tearing apart whole cities like Portland.
    I guess the exchange of ideology taking place by BLM and Antifa doesn't count, is that it? The USA harbored Nazis after WW2. Don't start this shlt with me. Man, you're doing a lot of generalizing. not cool
    Please don't call me hunny when you're expressing hostility toward me.

    Quicksilver February 15, 2021 3:26 am
    Ok look, I wanted a good suggestion for a black lead manga and you couldn’t leave the other person alone. You could have walked away after just sharing a small amount of information. Then when I shared inform... Beee

    could you be any more condescending? lol As far as info, I gave you what you requested, Under Grand Hotel has a black lead. You're welcome.
    You've gone far to the extremes of offensiveness toward me. Really, maybe you should use a bit more concern for the feelings of others before you insult them to the utter extremes of unacceptable. Maybe I need to remind you that I'm a human being.

    Quicksilver February 15, 2021 3:29 am

    I had been talking to oresama. When you started with me you sounded like oresama, and I thought you might be her using a different mamber name

    Beee February 15, 2021 3:32 am

    Alright I will respect you and I won’t call you hunny. Just what I say so I’m sorry. So my question is where you raised by conservatives? Or white people? The white community has a lot of toxicity to it. But there are a lot of good people among the Democrats and Republicans. Also I do know a lot of black people. I also know a lot of different types of Asian people, I know Muslims, and I know a lot of other types of people from other country’s. My grandfathers actaully Italian and faced racism when he came to America.

    The black community is not betrayed well by media, same as how most media betrays a lot of other races and just people in general. Every person has flaws and accomplishments on both of those things they’re are bad and good. The black movement during this summer was mainly peaceful. I went to a lot of the protests and saw for myself what happened. Some people among the crowd tried to start stuff but the people who actually care about that tried to stop them and weren’t the ones looting.

    There where also a lot of good cops on the police force who I don’t think would want to have had to want to go out there and be forced by others just to grab and beat the hell out of people for no reason in some places.

    The news didn’t cover all of it. And some news stations made things look really bad because they had good coverage and not all of it was good. Some of it was just racism to.

    But I looked at the statistics for how violent they where from just general Google and what popped up first was that it was only 10% of the protests.

    Also it was Canada that I said harbored some natizs, cause they did and they own up to it. We have natizs here to tho, like some of the people who stormed the capital that weren’t just trump supporters. There where clan flags there and there was a noose right outside to probably kill the people inside with. It was a terrifying event for everyone in that building.

    Also I don’t think we know every other country’s history with the rioting. And I know it’s embarrassing to have that. I would rather have it all to be peaceful and that the cops would have stopped it while it was happening more.

    What blm stands for is for a life. We have a lot of issues in this country but we aren’t the only ones. The movement is to have equality but they can’t get any where because they get suppressed. Or represented wrong.

    Beee February 15, 2021 3:34 am
    I had been talking to oresama. When you started with me you sounded like oresama, and I thought you might be her using a different mamber name Quicksilver

    Alright I will respect you and I won’t call you hunny. Just what I say so I’m sorry. So my question is where you raised by conservatives? Or white people? The white community has a lot of toxicity to it. But there are a lot of good people among the Democrats and Republicans. Also I do know a lot of black people. I also know a lot of different types of Asian people, I know Muslims, and I know a lot of other types of people from other country’s. My grandfathers actaully Italian and faced racism when he came to America.

    The black community is not betrayed well by media, same as how most media betrays a lot of other races and just people in general. Every person has flaws and accomplishments on both of those things they’re are bad and good. The black movement during this summer was mainly peaceful. I went to a lot of the protests and saw for myself what happened. Some people among the crowd tried to start stuff but the people who actually care about that tried to stop them and weren’t the ones looting.

    There where also a lot of good cops on the police force who I don’t think would want to have had to want to go out there and be forced by others just to grab and beat the hell out of people for no reason in some places.

    The news didn’t cover all of it. And some news stations made things look really bad because they had good coverage and not all of it was good. Some of it was just racism to.

    But I looked at the statistics for how violent they where from just general Google and what popped up first was that it was only 10% of the protests.

    Also it was Canada that I said harbored some natizs, cause they did and they own up to it. We have natizs here to tho, like some of the people who stormed the capital that weren’t just trump supporters. There where clan flags there and there was a noose right outside to probably kill the people inside with. It was a terrifying event for everyone in that building.

    Also I don’t think we know every other country’s history with the rioting. And I know it’s embarrassing to have that. I would rather have it all to be peaceful and that the cops would have stopped it while it was happening more.

    What blm stands for is for a life. We have a lot of issues in this country but we aren’t the only ones. The movement is to have equality but they can’t get any where because they get suppressed. Or represented wrong.

    Meant to replie to you but I guess it messed up. And I didn’t attack you with that many insults. You attacked me and went off on me when I approached you calmly btw. You can reread it if you want or not.

    Beee February 15, 2021 3:39 am
    I had been talking to oresama. When you started with me you sounded like oresama, and I thought you might be her using a different mamber name Quicksilver

    Why would someone use a different name... that sounds kinda stupid to do unless you want to go and attack the shit out of someone. Also sorry if I came off as rude in that last one, I didn’t look over it and I might have a moment in there if I talk with rage. I have a problem with that and I dk try to think of people with people calmly now. I used to not. So sorry.

    But I do like the suggestions there great honestly. Why did you go off on oresama and not just ignore her. I could have see what was going on.

    Beee February 15, 2021 3:46 am
    so the BLM bears no ill will toward white people. Is that what you're selling? The us and them mentality has no place in this world right now, and it's not the morals I hold. Equality is what previous genera... Quicksilver

    Why did you address me if I didn’t address you? Nor was I even remotely being racist? They would work with white people with no problem, and if they won’t then that’s an individual problem that’s horrible and just as bad as a fucking white person also doing that. Cause any one can do it I’ve met bad people of all kinds from all different places.