I just want to say that starting from the flashback that presumably starts at chapter 51, ...

VikkoZ January 8, 2016 2:42 am

I just want to say that starting from the flashback that presumably starts at chapter 51, only 6 days have gone by. After re-reading it many times, I started to document it, and here's what I've concluded:

Day 1, Fri (ch 51-66)
Day 2, Sat (ch 67-97)
Day 3, Sun
Day 4, Mon (ch 98-114)
Day 5, Tue (ch 115-130)
Day 6, Wed (ch 131-144)
Day 7, Thu (ch 145-) okay, 7 days...

Everything before ch 51 (as well as chapter 68 and the insert art in ch 144, which have been like Christmas specials) takes place in the present, post Jian Yi re-appearing. Ch 50 might possibly be the start of the flashback though, who knows.

Oh well, this is what I've picked up anyway, just wanted to throw it out there. Also, worth to note, the last chapters of Tuesday and Wednesday have been about He Tian and Red Head, which I see as more of a "meanwhile" kind of thing, not necessarily taking place directly after the previous chapter, but just to show their story as well. Maybe a chapter about them will come out at the end of every "day".

    Tolly January 8, 2016 3:53 am

    You're my hero. Now I understand them better, this ia directly connected to that girl and the confession thing bc I think that was the trigger. I didn't realize at first bx well, it's been like a year for me haha

    vero_garcia2 January 8, 2016 4:16 am

    hey loved your conclusion, but i got a question, when you say "jian yi reapering" what exactly are you refering to?, is it of when he disappeared on the second day of high school or... what?
    i would really like to know.

    19an06 January 8, 2016 4:30 am

    I agree with your conclusion.... it allows The story to have more sense

    manganiME January 8, 2016 5:33 am

    THAT was REALLY helpful, thanks. I went back to reread up to 55 and could see the switch. Aw, I want these boys to be happy.

    Yade January 8, 2016 7:33 am
    hey loved your conclusion, but i got a question, when you say "jian yi reapering" what exactly are you refering to?, is it of when he disappeared on the second day of high school or... what?i would really like ... vero_garcia2

    i think if they were near midterms to start highschool soon we would know , wouldnt we?

    supremecurt January 8, 2016 9:47 am

    This is an interesting theory.

    VikkoZ January 8, 2016 12:35 pm
    hey loved your conclusion, but i got a question, when you say "jian yi reapering" what exactly are you refering to?, is it of when he disappeared on the second day of high school or... what?i would really like ... vero_garcia2

    Yep, you're right. As Zhan explains in chapter 45, Jian Yi disappeared the second day of High School. My guess is that the very first chapter is the first time Zhan sees Jian Yi since he disappeared. Several years have gone by, possibly around 2-3, perhaps. Zhan's graduated from High School and is either attending or planning to attend a University, seeing as Jian Yi said he wanted to attend the same University as him in chapter 48. Meanwhile, Jian Yi himself has to attend High School because he missed it due to his disappearance (which he explains in chapter 46 was a kidnapping connected to his father, though Zhan doesn't believe him and asks him not to explain further). We can see partially this based on the clothes, as Jian Yi wears the same white shirt coupled with a black jacket as we can see Zhan wearing when he attended High School back in chapter 45 again. Going back to that chapter, Zhan also explains that he and Jian Yi were in the same class in Middle School, that he always let Zhan copy his homework and that they were best friends, which are all things that we've seen in the story since the flashback started. You can also see that they are, since chapter 51 and forward, wearing the same clothes we can see they wore in Middle School in chapter 45.

    This all points to the fact that when the story starts from chapter 1 is when Jian Yi reappears after his sudden disappearance a few years back, and we get to see some of their everyday life, until chapter 51 when we are suddenly thrown back into the past, before Jian Yi disappeared and they were still in middle school. Since then, only 7 days have gone by. Well, this is at least how I've gotten the story thus far.

    Oh wow, when I start writing there really is no stopping me, I'm sorry... But I hope this cleared some things up, anyway.

    Here is a timeline I found on tumblr, it explains it better: http://fujoshifridays.tumblr.com/post/135181334294/timeline-19-days

    vero_garcia2 January 8, 2016 3:35 pm
    Yep, you're right. As Zhan explains in chapter 45, Jian Yi disappeared the second day of High School. My guess is that the very first chapter is the first time Zhan sees Jian Yi since he disappeared. Several ye... VikkoZ

    WOW, OMG, thank you sooooo much, now i understand it better

    VikkoZ January 8, 2016 4:07 pm
    WOW, OMG, thank you sooooo much, now i understand it better vero_garcia2

    Hahah yeah, I didn't get anything in the start until I found tumblr. I love to be of help :)

    manganiME January 8, 2016 5:22 pm

    Thanks again, VikkoZ. I knew they were in middle school during one of the discussion of "How can these hotties be middle schoolers" hahahah. I remember that. But yeah, knowing the timeline more clearly is making me happy. I feel so bad they were separated, though. Sniff. And I want to know what was going on with him with his father.

    manganiME January 8, 2016 5:26 pm

    And you know what's great about that timeline, you get to see them as little boys again. Sooo cute. (Plus it's really compressed, so it's like 19 Days Flashing Before Your Eyes.) It's well done.

    VikkoZ January 8, 2016 6:22 pm
    And you know what's great about that timeline, you get to see them as little boys again. Sooo cute. (Plus it's really compressed, so it's like 19 Days Flashing Before Your Eyes.) It's well done. manganiME

    Yeah, first time I read it I didn't even know the timeline was like that. It was confusing, but I still really liked it, so that really says something about the story, doesn't it? It was so nice to know the timeline and actually get the story, though. It really makes it so much better, so I'm gonna help as much as I can :)

    Anonymous January 9, 2016 5:42 am

    Previously on 19 Days...

    Day 1:
    - a day at school with Jian yi doing much oblivious friendship flirting and zhan zheng xi being really uncomfortable

    Day 2:
    - jian yi spends afternoon and night at zhan zheng xi's
    - cute chibi flashbacks begin

    Day 3
    - no content :(

    Day 4
    - girl's confession letter to zhan zheng xi
    - making jian yi start to realize his feelings for zhan zheng xi for real
    - he tian starts moving in on jian yi
    - so we see that jian yi won't go for any guy, just zhan zheng xi
    - oh and it's also jian yi's BIRTHDAY
    - and at the end of their birthday date jian yi has definitely realized his feelings for zhan zheng xi for real

    Day 5:
    - school day flirts
    - he tian much flirting with jian yi
    - redhead delinquent fight
    - jian yi and zhan zheng xi at hospital
    - te tian starts bullying the red head delinquent

    Day 6:
    - he tian gives up on jian yi and starts going after redhead
    - jian yi sick and taken care of at zhan zheng xi's place
    - jian yi and zhan zheng xi KISS
    - instance of true love being mistaken for sexual orientation ANGST in the rain


    Thx btw your list is wonderful and very helpful