Help me clear some things up?

QuirkyGirl22 February 13, 2021 4:30 pm

So, while I got the gist of the plot, there was some things I couldn't quite understand. If someone could answer these, I'd appreciate it.

* Why does cousin Ryan get weird (he is a cousin, right? In later chapters Moon calls him brother) and tries to make Moon believe Ryan and Yeon slept together?

* What is Choi Jungmyung's deal? He kidnapped Yeon so that Moon would hand over the three jade thing, and he wants that because he's been jealous of Moon for years? And when Moon foiled his plans, he just went batshit and brained him with a 2x4?

* What is Ryan's deal? He felt burdened by his parents and was jealous of Moon, so he cut his own neck and blamed Moon? To force him to take on the gallery? Didn't Moon want to do that anyway?

* A mysterious stranger saves Ryan from being raped, and Ryan looks for him, but never finds him. Does this ever come back into play, or is it a huge missed chekhov's gun?

* After the queen dies, the king goes into a depression. Bad guy minister takes control and tries to get rid of the Ji family because... reasons? Was the minister who called him out the head of the Ji family? And he wants the prince to seem like a traitor because he doesn't want him to come into power because he wouldn't be able to manipulate him? Is this a two birds/one stone kind of deal?

* The ninja Ji family was there to stop an attempted assassination, but after Yeon saved the King from an an assassin, Moon misunderstood the scene and thought Yeon WAS the assassin?

* Moon becomes King, gets married and has a kid, and lives for 20 more years after Yeon dies. After he dies, the dragon is like, "You killed your soulmate and unborn child, but you were also a great king, so we're gonna do a take 2"?

* The three jade thing was a dried apricot?

* Moon was in a coma for 2 years?

If anyone can help me clear up these up, I'd be grateful :)

    Sunnyleah February 13, 2021 6:05 pm

    1. Ryan didn’t like Moon because he was thought to be perfect by his parent but also the cousins parents who were also not supporting him. Ryan makes Moon think he and Yeon slept together because it’s a way of “revenge” for him. Basically Ryan is still vengeful.

    2. Choi was jealous that Moon’s business was doing better than his despite it being opened later. I think there was also so jealousy at how nice he was but it’s was a similar situation to the cousin. He was simply jealous. There might be more.

    3. Ryan was most likely suffering from depression. I think his plan was to show that Moon wasn’t perfect like everyone thought. Ryan just wanted the family to see that he wasn’t a goody two shoes and that he wasn’t as “perfect” as everyone thought.

    4. The person who saved him is the Secretary, the author shows it close to the end, although that is my speculation. It could come back up seeing as the manga is incomplete.

    5. It was pretty much a two birds and one stone. The Ji family were simply casualties. Yeon was the prince’s weakness which meant the Ji family was part of that. Having the Ji family executed would bring the prince to his knees in a way. (Because Yeon would be killed as well.) I think the queen was lowkey running everything but that’s another topic.

    6. Yes pretty much. He just happened to get there at the wrong time.

    7. The dragon didn’t say it was a take two. It was more of Moon had to work for Yeon despite not remembering the past. The dragon at first wanted the king to be punished but he let him choose his punishment since he was a good king unlike his predecessor. Moon made the choice to see Yeon not the dragon. The dragon only said that he could go but he would never remember Yeon. So in a way fate could have played out totally different.

    8. I thought it was a flower petal but it could have been....

    9. It might have been 4 since you start kinder at 5 but let me check.

    Sunnyleah February 13, 2021 6:12 pm
    1. Ryan didn’t like Moon because he was thought to be perfect by his parent but also the cousins parents who were also not supporting him. Ryan makes Moon think he and Yeon slept together because it’s a way... Sunnyleah

    edit: it was 2 years.

    QuirkyGirl22 February 13, 2021 6:39 pm

    Thanks!!! I got the big picture, but I wasn't quite clear on the details. It was so irritating. The Cousin Ryan thing is still a little confusing to me. I don't know if I could be so friendly with someone after they stabbed themselves in the neck and then blamed me. I definitely wouldn't have gone along with it and took the blame. Perhaps there's some behind-the-scenes therapy happening, or a cultural thing I'm missing. *shrugs*

    Sunnyleah February 13, 2021 8:01 pm
    Thanks!!! I got the big picture, but I wasn't quite clear on the details. It was so irritating. The Cousin Ryan thing is still a little confusing to me. I don't know if I could be so friendly with someone a... QuirkyGirl22

    Yeah! I think there could totally be some therapy and he probably apologized like he said he wanted to. I think they both moved on from it and probably talked it out in order to move on.

    Kriss February 14, 2021 9:43 pm

    Choi is a member of the branch family, and Moon is from the main family. He’s jealous of the riches and success of the main family, and he thinks he can turn it around for the branch family if he gets the jade, which is possessed by the main family.

    In the flashbacks, we see that Ryan’s mate is Yeon’s older brother, Hwan. In the present, Yeon doesn’t have an older brother, but I’m guessing that the secretary might be Hwan reincarnated, but idk. It is why he was obsessed with Yeon’s smell, though. Because brothers, even reincarnated, have similar scents.

    In the flashbacks, King Moon doesn’t get married or have any kids. Yeon was his soulmate. He spends the next 20 yrs ruling the kingdom waiting to die so that he can meet him again. The kid you see in the flashback is Hwan’s, that’s why he calls him father. Since Moon didn’t have any kids, he’s leaving the throne to him when he dies. That’s why Hwan was so surprised when he told him.

    The jade isn’t a dried apricot. I believe it’s a piece of the pearl that broke when Yeon was killed in the past. No idea how it ended up with Moon and his family, though.

    wanderer_ February 15, 2021 7:38 pm
    Choi is a member of the branch family, and Moon is from the main family. He’s jealous of the riches and success of the main family, and he thinks he can turn it around for the branch family if he gets the jad... Kriss

    I also agree with you. But to add another thing, I think hwan was actually Ryan. We can see this in chapter 34 where the Ji family was about to be sentenced and the servant said that the brother was hwa younggun's lover.

    Later on when this hwa person went to fetch prince moon at yeon's house, moon called him hwan (I think they're somehow related, if not just very close)

    Also if I remember correctly the brother's name in the past is Joon-something 'cause I recall yeon called him joon-hyung somewhere in the flashback.

    The author actually relates the characters by making similar names for them in the "present" time since the secretary is called "junseok" (the past is joon-something) and ryan's korean name is called "youngmin" (past is younggun)

    Kriss February 15, 2021 7:56 pm

    You’re right. Ryan is Hwan reincarnated. Got it mixed up. Thanks!