Wtffff there really are people like this that are beyond the internet?? She's so embarrassing I'm so sorryyyyyyyy. I feel like these people are the ines that fetishize mlm and its disgusting uggghhh I kinda feel like apologizing on behalf of her. I promise you we aren't all like that they are just really loud like REALLY loud and out there like trump supporters.

You are definitely not an asshole for not reading straight or gl stuff bro, that's like saying straight people are problematic for reading straight romance (which is simply not tru). I mean you're reading bl and you're literally a gay man I don't know how that could be problematic like at all. Honestly fuck your friend though good thing you're not friends anymore, I feel the intense need to punch her in the nose
I'm gay and one of my now ex friends yelled at me for reading bl mangas instead of reading straight stuff or gl? While she had an entire account of shipping her straight male friends together and when myself and my boyfriend got together a few years ago she basically just yelled "i knew it" and then made me extremely dysphoric by asking my boyfriend if he's ever fucked me in my ... I don't even really feel bottom dysphoria but still, she reads BL manga and acts like they are the fucking bible, it's really fucking weird and she creeps me out sometimes, she treats me like i'm a weirdo for being gay but then when she sees two straight friends she acts like it really is a bl manga? Am i the asshole for not reading gl or straight mangas? As bad as some bls can be i still like the representation and i'd feel uncomfortable seeing romance mangas that often have sex in them including body parts that i'm not attracted to (there were some parts of the story that you didn't rly need to know but i used so you could get a grip on the type of person she is)
adding 2 things
1st thanks everyone for the kind comments
2nd i was 15 when she made the sex comment, i'm now 18, i wasn't even the legal consent age in my country (16) when she asked me that