As per my last email, if they are registered in the same family, they are considered siblings by law. These two quite literally live together and the fl refers to the ml as her brother. If siblings date and marry regardless if they are related or not it is still, by definition, incest. If they do have kids they won’t have and type of disabilities commonly associated with biological incest but it still has a huge impact socially and is taboo in many cultures. Again idc if you are fine with this type of incest but we need to get past the argument, “they aren’t related therefore this is not incest.” It is incest. Either get over that fact and keep reading or don’t, i don’t give 2 flying fucks. Let us call it is and not try and fight the truth in the comment section.
Yo idk why so many people get so upset when commenters point out that this is incest. If you have to say “well technically it’s not incest”, you already lost the argument. They are siblings. So yeah it is incest. Incest does not just have to do with blood relations, it’s if they are registered in the same family or someone of close blood relation. E.g adopted/step siblings apply. The world knows them as siblings so its incest. Idc if you support it or hate it, just accept it as it is. Quite literally the mom married the dad making them, in fact, siblings. Therefore this, absolute last time I will say this, fucking incest. Are we done? Alright read the story if you are fine with it or skip it if you are not. It’s not a hard concept to grasp.
Also if you don’t agree with me please feel free to google the definition of incest in your free time and marvel at how you are wrong.