I think you're comparing the story to closely to the other bls you read. Not all characters development had to be a complete 180 for a character. Honestly if the main couple omega (Hyesung) were to dramatically change the story would get boring.. we saw him be able to be more vulnerable with his partner and admit his feelings that was a big adjustment to his overall character. I honestly like all the couples and their different dynamics it makes the story less cliche and unpredictable. It clearly seperates this story from the others. Chowon can be a difficult person but u like watching kyungsoo figure out how to make their relationship work

Yes you are right I am comparing them to other stories I agree with you that much but I didn’t expect the MC to do a 180 I just expected him to be a bit more mature but your right he’s young and sometimes I forget that heck even grown as adults with stable relationships have trouble communicating and about Chowon and Kyungsoon you said “ u like watching kyungsoo figure out how to make their relationship work” it shouldn’t just be kyungsoo a relationship involves 2 people therefore 2 people should be making an effort not just 1 and also in my opinion Chowon is bratty and not in a cute way and borderline psychotic yes they explained he never actually broke the leg of the employee in the earlier chapters but he did try to have heesoo raped and yes he apologized but only because he was made to not because he felt the need to or else he would have done it sooner, and first of it shouldn’t have happened to begin with period. He didn’t even deserve a story in my opinion and it is still a bit clíche

Yes chowon is bratty but isn't that simply how some privilege ppl are? I. Get that you feel like he apologized coz he had to but the previous chapters did show that he acknowledged that not taking his medicine doing bad things to get his way was wrong and self destructive and he apologized to everyone for kyungsoo not himself. Which showed that he valued the relationship and kyungsoo. I think the characters and their personalities are just a tad bit more on the more realistic and its great

Yeah when you put it that way I kind of agree except for the part where you said it was more realistic, because I don’t think this story was about that it feels like it tried to be but failed and is more of a “tried to have a story line but turned into complete smut” story line?? I don’t know if it makes sense but I agree with you on the whole rich bratty people and it honestly doesn’t make a good story it’s clíche kind of like trying to force a story where it isn’t needed and Chowon needs to learn to love himself before loving others he should do things because he wants to better himself not because he wants to better himself for others if that makes sense it’s kind of sad actually, the third couple just feels forced

Yes I actually found it confusing because now it’s just there and the MC isn’t doing anything with it I know he wanted to marry a rich omega so he wouldn’t have to work and instead he married a rich alpha and he’s farting what he always wanted which was to not work and if that’s all there is to it there was no need to make him a math genius if the author isn’t going to explore that route where the omega becomes somewhat independent

May I chip in on your conversation? I found it fitting that the mc omega was a math genious and crap at everything else. It fits in his all in all an unbalanced human and a misfit. His stats aren't balanced for an omega. He is not close to a beta although he is a recessive one. It is one of his main characteristics- unbalanced and a misfit. And one of his main sourses of conflict. He is a math genious, but crapy at basic human logic, for example. And it did help him get some independence. Because of math he went to school again and also got new friends. For some time this part of life was his own, private from the alpha.
Is it just me or most of the characters who NEED character development have little to no actual development like don’t get me wrong because “character development” doesn’t happen in real life people don’t just change because change is difficult but this story ain’t real life there are babies coming out of assholes (figuratively and literally) and men getting pregnant so where is the character development?? Where is the change?? Where is it?? They just have sex as a temporary solution and then more problems and then more sex and don’t come with the “you said it yourself change is hard and the author was maybe trying to demonstrate real life problems in their story” because, bitch no, that is bs and we both know it, look I like this story (mainly, well actually only because of the second couple and the baby) and the characters felt so shallow and I feel like the story line is everywhere like why make the MC a math genius? Anyways this is just my opinion and feel free disagree and if you have time please try and change my mind I want to like this story more but right now it’s just meh