It's not about not liking him and the reason we find him sus it's due to his faces expressions, the way he's always around/somehow involved with the monsters and how now that Hwan is dating Chiwoo suddenly the monsters stopped showing up/attacking. Also, Jin (Purple hair guy) is also fighting against evil, he has Moony and Chiwoo has Sunny, Sunny stated that he needs to talk with Moony and his fighter in the end of this chapter, so this proves that Jin isn't the villain and makes Hwan even more suspicious.
Let's not mention the fact that he controlled Chiwoo in the minigame like It wasn't a big deal and it was the a normal day to day occassion, just like the Monsters do and in the chapter with the double pencil penetration the only other doll that can move is the one who looks like Hwan, and after the monster is defeated and things go back to normal the Hwan doll is still conscious and moving.
The boy is sus as fuck, not because he's kind, people don't like him or something like that, but for so manny actual reasons ( ̄∇ ̄")
I cant believe y’all dont like Hwan or find him sus just because he actually seems decent and reserved. maybe this boy actually likes chiwoo enough to be i dont know,,,KIND