I love it!! but still Im pissed off at two things. first the Idea that takurou didn't show...

netyuna November 6, 2012 6:43 am

I love it!! but still Im pissed off at two things.
first the Idea that takurou didn't show sadness for kou's death just because of jealousy and second what the fuck so the dude KILLS your lover, blames you for something that is not your fault, rapes you and traumatize you while he already has a lover, and because of him his lover almost died and he still doesn't press charges?!! Because of what? "It's part my fault that my brother is this way?" REALLY?!! or maybe "his my family"? God I hope that if someone is living in a similar situation never think that this is normal.
It's the first time that I actually get pissed of but you know HE KILLED YOUR LOVER THE ONE YOU ALMOST WENT CRAZY BECAUSE HE DIED!!! sdfghki but oh well. Like I said it's not that I didn't like the manga but just haaaa.

    Anonymous March 19, 2015 3:59 pm

    the truth has been said