she meant the flashbacks he was nice, it was just a typo. the point is we have no idea why taehwan is being cold ot yeonwoo now (and he's not harassing yeonwoo he just wants yeonwoo to avoid him and not talk to him which yes is mean dont get me wrong but like...yeonwoo isnt entitled to taehwan's time or attention. nor is anyone entitled to say yeonwoo's attention or affection or time unless HE decides he wants to give it.) but yeah we dont even know yet why taehwan is being like that to yeonwoo. saying its cause he's homophobic is just an assumption and its weird to make that the sole reason he hates yeonwoo when he's totally accepting of his brother and dojin now? like he hangs out with dojin still, adores his brother still, said he'd cover for their relationship to their family etc. i mean im not saying its impossible he has some homophobia or bigotry to him just that hating him based on the assumption that he MIGHT hate yeonwoo cause yeonwoo is gay....its a stretch tbh. (and how do we know that he knows that yeonwoo is gay? we only saw flashbacks of them being buddies so far and yeonwoo saying he regrets what he did cause it upset taehwan so badly.) not tomention we havent seen taehwan say any homophobic slurs, talk shit about gay people or the community. only evidence we had is that taehee assumed taehwan has issues with gay people cause after he came back from america cause he was bullied he became rly bothered by any mention of "guys liking guys" etc to quote taehee. anyway im not saying u cant hate taehwan anyway causse he's fictional afteralll but its perfectly reasonable for photaku or anyone else to be like ???? when u say he's a homophobic dick who should suffer because like based on What of his behavior do u say that? is my question anyway.

And Dojin. Dojin knows he's two faced. And he just asked Yeonwu to pretend not to know him and avoid him. If you had a friend who you had a falling out with and didn't want to talk to- wouldn't you do the same? Yeah, it's a dick move. But I don't think he's a dick to the core like many of the other main characters from other stories. I think that his homophobia is a misunderstanding, but I'm assuming one way and you're assuming the other. So I guess we just have to see.

In the flashbacks from the raws he was very polite and kind towards yeonwu but one day while he was asleep in the library or smg,yeonwu kissed him and he felt very taken aback,which is actually normal. If a dude that means nothing to me romantically came and kissed me while i was asleep i would punch his teeth out. Other than that taewhan hasnt done anything wrong for yall to say that he should suffer or that he is toxic. Also being homophobic and minding your business without bothering,harassing,abusing gays is not A SIN. As long as a gay person doenst get verbally abused or physically abused a person can have whaeltever opinion they want on something. Taewhan always just minded his business and didnt harm anyone. In fact he was very badly bullied when he was young and was even made to eat an alive frog by his laughing classmates. Its kinda disgusting seeing people wanting him to suffer just bcs he told yeonwu to not speak on him in public. If yeonwu wasnt ok with that he could easily stop having any relationship with taewhan but the boy gets turned on by his very existence lmao. Stop being overdramatic,its yeonwu's choice and he can always leave if he gets uncomfortable. Stfu

um i feel ur consternation but u realize alot of these people dont know most of the things u just spoiled? i wish yall wouldnt do this. i also think people are jumping to ridiculous conclusions but the solution isnt to spoil every single person who makes those assumptions based on limited information (and alot of biases). it just kinda ruins it for people who want to learn more about the characters organically. (unless they ask u to spoil pls dont)
before they end up together and all, I want taehwan to SUFFER real bad...