Can some harlequin FLs said, "You can't blame those women for chasing your money. That's the only good thing about you." to some harlequin MLs?
I have so many issues in this story:
1) The thing about getting revenge on David is way low.....the woman didn't ask for it and why the heck you destroyed someone's business when he didn't do anything wrong? I mean David did something wrong but somehow, this kind of revenge is unsatisfactory.
2) No! Never believe on something akin to "If I married him, he'll change." That's just bull and naivety.
3) why did she married him actually. He didn't do anything to warrant her love or even remove her fear fo marriage.
Your first paragraph was spot on. That is exactly what those entitled jerks need to hear, and it is so true it needs to be engraved on a brass medallion and hung around their necks, if not tattooed on their foreheads.
Your first paragraph was spot on. That is exactly what those entitled jerks need to hear, and it is so true it needs to be engraved on a brass medallion and hung around their necks, if not tattooed on their fo... Comadrin
I'm glad someone agree with me. I mean like, most harlequin MLs only have their wealth and face to brag about. And nothing else.
Can some harlequin FLs said, "You can't blame those women for chasing your money. That's the only good thing about you." to some harlequin MLs?
I have so many issues in this story:
1) The thing about getting revenge on David is way low.....the woman didn't ask for it and why the heck you destroyed someone's business when he didn't do anything wrong? I mean David did something wrong but somehow, this kind of revenge is unsatisfactory.
2) No! Never believe on something akin to "If I married him, he'll change." That's just bull and naivety.
3) why did she married him actually. He didn't do anything to warrant her love or even remove her fear fo marriage.