Suoh?! As in, Asami's bodyguard? o.O

Lol, I must admit I've never thought of that one. :D But I guess the only hot quiet bodyguard I ship Fei with is Yoh. Suoh can have Kirishima.

mikhail and feilong would make an interesting pair =]

Asami was quite angry when he found out about Suoh and Fei. Suoh came and told him. Asami was not happy to let him go but having some one close to Fei did have 'payoffs' and Fei has never been more balanced. ( Suoh could steady him like an anchor.) Remember it is questionable if Yoh is there or not.

This is not part of the canon

Yoh is not there, which is a good thing because Tao has a plan in place to slit Yoh's throat in the midldle of the night should he discover Yoh attempting to hook up with Fei Long again (even if it's just a for a one-night stand).
Asami's so-called anger upon learning about Suoh and Fei Long's affair is just for appearances-- it's merely to maintain the undertone of conflict between him and Fei Long. This keeps other underworld factions on edge, thinking a turf war could break out at any moment between Asami and the Bai She. This has proven to be beneficial for Asami's purposes.
In private, Asami is amused as hell over the whole thing, and he takes great pleasure in taunting Fei Long by calling him a "size queen".
Kirishima has been extremely grumpy and sullen as of late, for some unfathomable reason.

Kirishima is far from heart broken. You see he and Kurado have been.... well , tripping thru tulips for months. I wonder if Asami knows ?

*Someone* needs to learn how to share...
Suoh's house is full of fluffy, sweet kittycats, of course! Like this one:

The green dra(Gqueen) has taken over the under underground market in T shirts in China. Some one no longer needs to be a Killer. My how times have changed. Suoh Was a great help.

Yes. Cats can be such a comfort.

Too funny.^^ hahahahahaha That cat reminds me of Suoh for some reason.
Mikhail X Feilong . Is it great or not?
But i accept this.