What the fuck is with the amount of comments going for the brother x sister route here? We...

Sketchy February 11, 2021 7:46 am

What the fuck is with the amount of comments going for the brother x sister route here? We can’t even say shit about/who her love interest since we literally know only two guys. Her brother is out cause I don’t know if you guys remember but he poisoned her, planned to use her, and probably eventually have her dead yknow?? I think even disregarding the brother thing that’s kind of an asshole move on it’s own.

    Sangwoo_Ashbox February 11, 2021 9:06 am

    I’m not shipping her with anyone because I want her to keep with her badass attitude but I have to mention that her and her “ brother” aren’t actually related there was a spoiler that says that the brother and Raphael are the only ones that are related

    Sketchy February 12, 2021 5:32 am
    I’m not shipping her with anyone because I want her to keep with her badass attitude but I have to mention that her and her “ brother” aren’t actually related there was a spoiler that says that the brot... Sangwoo_Ashbox

    So her the blondie prince isn’t her brother? It still doesn’t make it any better tbh. The whole, “they actually aren’t related” doesn’t make anything better cause they basically are at this point. Family doesn’t need to be tied by blood, just by relations and that relationship is a literal brother and sister one. Still, I agree with you on the not shipping her with anyone part. Ain’t a fan of that myself lmao.

    Sangwoo_Ashbox February 12, 2021 5:49 am
    So her the blondie prince isn’t her brother? It still doesn’t make it any better tbh. The whole, “they actually aren’t related” doesn’t make anything better cause they basically are at this point. F... Sketchy

    Yea I agree with you a whole ton I’m just clarifying that technically they aren’t related but I think anything that involves with sibling or step-sibling is a big no no