
KaSaHa February 11, 2021 7:03 am

The author should end it when they found his sister too. We don't even know if the sisternis alive or dead. There is still a mystery in this story... Ugh... But well i love the scene when solving the crime. Good webtoon. If it's a korean webtoon it probably will be a bit beter with the story telling. Manhua tends to be too rushed with story telling.

    evelyria February 19, 2021 7:49 am

    actually the little sister is dead, it’s said that she was also kidnapped with Bo Shan by that psycho lady and didn’t make it through all that electrification

    KaSaHa February 19, 2021 8:58 am
    actually the little sister is dead, it’s said that she was also kidnapped with Bo Shan by that psycho lady and didn’t make it through all that electrification evelyria

    It's not confirmed yet. Because the body haven't been found.

    evelyria February 19, 2021 3:29 pm
    It's not confirmed yet. Because the body haven't been found. KaSaHa

    No way I’m pretty sure it has been confirmed since it did say that Bo Shan was the sole survivor of that incident at that time and that he was the only one that the psycho left alive, so that’s why they’re looking for the body at the end rather than searching for the person itself

    KaSaHa February 19, 2021 3:45 pm
    No way I’m pretty sure it has been confirmed since it did say that Bo Shan was the sole survivor of that incident at that time and that he was the only one that the psycho left alive, so that’s why they’r... evelyria

    Well I just read it again. But still the mystery is still left unfounded. Because like I said. They haven't found the body yet. So I mean the author should end it when his sister is found. The villain and the uke didn't said it explicitly that his sister died... So... Yeah... Lol...

    evelyria February 19, 2021 4:00 pm
    Well I just read it again. But still the mystery is still left unfounded. Because like I said. They haven't found the body yet. So I mean the author should end it when his sister is found. The villain and the u... KaSaHa

    but you gotta remember that incident happened at least 2 years ago, and they did say that bo shan was the only mistake that the psycho did (by leaving him alive) plus if she was alive, wouldn't they say that they're gonna look for "Sister's name" rather than "her body"? And its things like this that could tell if she dead or not, yeah I mean, it doesn't have to be explicitly said cuz there were many phrases/signs that the reader could pick up to know that the sister is actually dead, but whatever, it's your own understanding I'm just gonna leave it at that (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜