damn an eye for an eye. but even so attempted murder is not the same thing as having your ...

shawty February 11, 2021 4:29 am

damn an eye for an eye. but even so attempted murder is not the same thing as having your dad angry at you. suffer bitch.

    All in 1 piece February 16, 2021 12:12 pm
    no problem, no many bl/manhwa readers make it so obvious they're like literal children and only like a certain person for looks and completely disregard toxic/terrible things they do. or like what's happening n... lyric

    My personality or age doesn't describe how I see things, isn't that the most stupid thing to assume? All bc I don't agree with what your statement is you decide to call me a literal child. I don't think you have integrity

    All in 1 piece February 16, 2021 12:13 pm
    no problem, no many bl/manhwa readers make it so obvious they're like literal children and only like a certain person for looks and completely disregard toxic/terrible things they do. or like what's happening n... lyric

    Statement you decide to call me a literal child*

    lyric February 16, 2021 2:55 pm
    Probably gonna get rejected but do you have discord? We can chat since you think I'm a quote "Toxic" and "childish" person in some way All in 1 piece

    yo, are your eyes okay? when did i ever mention you? it was a generalization of bl/manhwa fans since ive met a ton who do the things i mentioned, you obviously never said "oh redhead, I forgive you because you're hot" which is what i say they do. i was just complimenting op because I never find a reader that actually makes sense and doesn't just ignore bad behavior from a character. you're right, it is not the real world, obviously. but to me personally, if someone thinks the things characters do is okay or not serious that reflects on them as a person, it doesn't take a mathematician to understand some manhwa characters are assholes and are most likely meant to be assholes and that's just it.

    All in 1 piece February 16, 2021 10:04 pm
    yo, are your eyes okay? when did i ever mention you? it was a generalization of bl/manhwa fans since ive met a ton who do the things i mentioned, you obviously never said "oh redhead, I forgive you because you'... lyric

    Do you know that you're admitting that the sentence you wrote was for me by typing this paragraph? I think my eyes are fine thank you. I don't think the redhead is hot, I'm just a sympathetic person in general. I don't think he's cute nor do I think he's a good person I just want a happy ending for him and some of the characters including the main couple

    lyric February 16, 2021 10:35 pm

    you say your eyes are fine but they're clearly not since i literally said
    "you obviously never said 'oh redhead, i forgive you because you're hot'"
    also, how is that confirming anything? i literally wasn't talking to you, only op, but you associated yourself because I made a generalization of some of the childish people who read bl only for the hot guys. it was you who took that personally when i never mentioned you in the first place. of course im going to respond to you if you reply to me, if it was anyone else i would've done the same.... you're literally replying to my comment about op, you should've expected a reply, that's how a comment section works.

    lyric February 16, 2021 10:48 pm
    Do you know that you're admitting that the sentence you wrote was for me by typing this paragraph? I think my eyes are fine thank you. I don't think the redhead is hot, I'm just a sympathetic person in general.... All in 1 piece

    also you say you're a sympathetic person, but weren't you just harassing op/calling them names and also making assumptions about them? also you said bullying can lead to suicide, did you possibly think about that when you were "shouting" at op and calling them mean names?

    All in 1 piece February 16, 2021 11:00 pm
    also you say you're a sympathetic person, but weren't you just harassing op/calling them names and also making assumptions about them? also you said bullying can lead to suicide, did you possibly think about th... lyric

    Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. I said apologized for my behaviors, didn't I? Or are you blind? I also apologized for making assumptions. It doesn't matter if you like Sangwoo or not, some people here support other murderous, abusive, psychopathic, and rapist kind of people but they don't seem to have the balls to like one character that hasn't done stuff as bad as those characters I just mentioned

    All in 1 piece February 16, 2021 11:01 pm
    also you say you're a sympathetic person, but weren't you just harassing op/calling them names and also making assumptions about them? also you said bullying can lead to suicide, did you possibly think about th... lyric

    That's what I'm referring to. I'm not talking about being nice to one another or being sympathetic even though I am that kind of person, it doesn't fucking matter

    All in 1 piece February 16, 2021 11:02 pm
    also you say you're a sympathetic person, but weren't you just harassing op/calling them names and also making assumptions about them? also you said bullying can lead to suicide, did you possibly think about th... lyric

    I can explain more if you don't get the point?

    lyric February 17, 2021 7:18 am
    Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. I said apologized for my behaviors, didn't I? Or are you blind? I also apologized for making assumptions. It doesn't matter if you like Sangwoo or not, some people here supp... All in 1 piece

    yes there are people like that, which is what I was referring to when I was talking to op. those people are hypocritical, however, once again, neither op or myself have ever said we like sangwoo or any other highly toxic character. all we said was that we don't like this redhead and that the "consequences" he is getting is nothing compared to the potential life that could have been lost due to him being stupid and basically just an asshole. yes, he's the mc and most likely wouldn't have died, but that doesn't make it any different than the intention to kill him just for a dumb "joke". and for you information i do not like sangwoo or any other toxic characters such as joowon from LOH just as an example.

    lyric February 17, 2021 7:28 am
    Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. I said apologized for my behaviors, didn't I? Or are you blind? I also apologized for making assumptions. It doesn't matter if you like Sangwoo or not, some people here supp... All in 1 piece

    also yes I did see you apologize actually, but you're here proclaiming that bullying so bad and can lead to suicide and also that you're such a sympathetic person. pack it up, Shane Dawson, because you literally showed no sort of sympathy at all and cyber bullied op. so you're also calling other people hypocrites while being one yourself. you may have apologized but I'm pretty sure having some rando on a fucking manga reading site, respond to a comment you made on in the comments, not directed at anyone, call you a " fucking disgusting little bitch" because you have a different opinion than them on a FICTIONAL character wouldn't just be some dust under the rug.

    All in 1 piece February 17, 2021 11:58 am
    also yes I did see you apologize actually, but you're here proclaiming that bullying so bad and can lead to suicide and also that you're such a sympathetic person. pack it up, Shane Dawson, because you literall... lyric

    Shane Dawson? Is that supposed to be an insult? You didn't even see my point? All you're talking about is the part when I insulted someone. That's not my fucking point.

    lyric February 17, 2021 2:41 pm
    Shane Dawson? Is that supposed to be an insult? You didn't even see my point? All you're talking about is the part when I insulted someone. That's not my fucking point. All in 1 piece

    lmaooo i really don't think your eyes are alright my guy, because I actually have a reply before that, that was just an add on.

    All in 1 piece February 17, 2021 10:05 pm
    lmaooo i really don't think your eyes are alright my guy, because I actually have a reply before that, that was just an add on. lyric

    Damn, I didn't see that