That is quite harsh, don't you think? Bullying can lead to suicide, did you know? Maybe you didn't because what you're saying disgusts me. Yes, a murder attempt is really disgraceful and quite harmful but does that mean he should suffer? Let me get this through my FUCKING brain. You like Sangwoo even though he was a murderer and an abuser you also pity for him. Then you get all mad when a little kid, yes a little kid, does a murder attempt by accident. Meaning on the wrong fucking person

I'm so very sorry if he's not hot enough if he doesn't have as many abs, or maybe he's not tall enough? Is that the problem? I don't think a human should suffer bc of one mistake. Without a second chance. I think everyone deserves a second chance even if you're a psychopath even disgusting fans of Sangwoo and other popular manhuas with rapist and psychopathic Semes. Was I too blunt or may I keep on going?

who the fuck said I liked sangwoo? who gave u any room for assumptions? what are u judging off of 3 sentences. you want to know what I see from u? you are fucking dense. if u really want to talk abt bullying, let's talk abt how red head has been bullying mc for who knows how long before the story started. u said it leads to suicide, why didnt u consider that for mc, or do u only care abt the red heads life bc he's got a pity story. IN ADDITION to all the other times he's bullied mc, saying he's not worth shit, now he's tried to murder him. this was not some innocent "mistake". he's never received any consequences for his actions either, because if noone intervened and helped mc HE WOULD HAVE ACTUALLY DIED. bullying leads to suicide, then should the mc kill himself for you to finally realize that the red head is still a piece of shit? imagine if your best friend almost died bc of some prick who thinks his life isn't worth shit because he doesn't have some powerful abilities. all characters in here have some sort of issues, but lemme tell u that they DON'T try to fucking kill someone and then crawl their way out of any punishments with their money and privilege.

C'mon, bro don't flatter your fucking self disgusting little bitch. Let me teach you something I call common FUCKING sense. Yes, it is sad that the Mc got bullied by Readhead and doesn't give him a right to do an attempt to murder. But does that mean he should get bullied? This shit you call "Karma" Is stupid. 2D characters on a fucking screen aren't perfect. Most of them are probably the exact replica of you. He wouldn't have died anyway bc he's the MC and the death would probably be later at the END don't ya think? I pity Redhead bc of his parents he needs someone to teach him the difference between good and bad. It isn't only his parent's fault it's his fault too. I care about all the characters as the way I see kids everyone deserves a second chance he should be treated like shit all bc he did something stupid and life-threatening. Maybe you're the kind of person if you see bad it's always gonna be bad no second chances that's what the person will always be. I'm FLABBERGASTED by your wording. Imagine you do something shitty and then everyone starts hurting you for that one shitty thing you regret, I mean wouldn't you be sad in a way to imagine if that was your friend, or maybe you would say this stupid quote you made up #Sufferbitch. What about if it was one of your family members you can't tell me nobody in your family is mean in a way everyone has more of an evil side than good

I really don’t understand your comments and why you really just came for this persons neck. First you came out here with your assumptions that they like sangwoo and condone murder as long as the person is hot, then you start cursing and screaming at the person because why? They don’t see the situation the same as you? And don’t come on here preaching about your everyone deserves a second chance bs. The fact of the matter is red head almost got the mc killed, whether it was intentional or not, and not only did he refuse to recognize the severity of his mistake, but he has still yet to actually apologize. He got off with a smack on the head and an apology letter to the teacher. If the world worked the way you wanted it to we could just let the first time criminals out of jail now. Oh he killed your dad and mom, well I’m sorry sweetie but everyone deserves a second chance

ok let's dissect all of your arguments. 1) calling me a disgusting bitch is a sign of anger over an internet argument of fictacious characters with a complete stranger after u failed to prove your point, so u resort to name calling. 2) no one said shit about whether he "deserved" his bullying. I don't think you realize this but his problem right now is that his dad realized he got bullied, and that's whats scaring him, not the fact he's getting bullied. 3) u attract what you put out. the whole point of "he's the main character he wouldn't die" is utter bullshit. we're discussing MORALITY, his intentions are the issue. the issue is that he was planning for him to suffocate and die for his idea of a "prank". if you defend that, that reflects your own morals. 4) pity him all u fucking want, but what's done is done. his parents are shitty, but if you think shitty parents result in a murderer, keep your mouth shut. 5) you don't think he's had a second chance? you think he's regret his actions, bc if you've read the story at all, you will see the only things he fucking regrets is getting caught. he hasn't said sorry, he's not displayed any guilt, after he got caught, all he's done was find ways to ruin mcs life even more. how do u expect someone to change if they never experience consequences for their actions. do u think if he just continues to have it easy and get away with everything including assault and attempted homicide, he'll learn and grow. if he, as a child, finds that none of his actions have consequences, he'll only spiral worse and worse, becoming more of a demon than he alr is. 5) he's had second chances, he's fucked them all up. he's been given room to grow, he continues to hurt others. 6) you really like to use this sympathy trick where u think If u can somehow relate any of this to my life it'll help u prove your point but I'll tell u this. family isn't shit. my entire household was abusive. I grew up in an environment where I had a new bruise everyday, to the point where I am diagnosed with depression, ptsd, and anxiety. but have I bullied someone, told them their existence is worthless, and then murdered someone? no. you fail to understand that this wasn't a one time "mistake" or accident. you don't accidentally mess with someones oxygen tank. you don't accidentally threaten the person you tried to kill bc you couldn't get away with killing them once u were caught. you don't accidentally promise to make their life miserable bc u didn't get your way. growth doesn't magically happen. noone is good or evil, there's always a grey area. but he did evil deeds. many. and for him to get away unscraped while the mc is still suffering from trauma makes no sense. he has his family problems, but so does mc. u grow from your mistakes. he has not. what makes you think he'll just magically gain a conscious.

Sorry for insulting you for the second time. I still disagree with you. It's not "Bullshit" It's what I think. I'll be nicer to you in this sentence or maybe it will be a paragraph? Anyway, I could care less if my parents die so that person who killed my parents deserve a second chance. I see you're still bringing up the "Sangwoo" shit I said? I mean I said sorry, did you not see my apology?

Lol I don’t know how you couldn’t tell but this is a different person from who you were talking to in the beginning. Also I was not talking about you specifically when I referenced the little kids parents being murdered, but any innocent little kid who’s parents where just killed and now have to watch as their killer is set free. And lastly, yes I did see your apology to the other person about the sangwoo comment but it’s still fucked up that you used it so much as an argument in your first comment when you don’t even know the person you were talking to.

no problem, no many bl/manhwa readers make it so obvious they're like literal children and only like a certain person for looks and completely disregard toxic/terrible things they do. or like what's happening now, totally forget about the bad or dangerous things a character has done just because we see into their past/home life.
damn an eye for an eye. but even so attempted murder is not the same thing as having your dad angry at you. suffer bitch.