totally understand what she means, even more so after the 2nd message. HOWEVER I can also ...

shouncn February 11, 2021 12:39 am

totally understand what she means, even more so after the 2nd message. HOWEVER I can also understand those who say "she wont translate to english anyways and we dont speak korean so we cant support her without eng translations. isnt it better to raise popularity even through illegal sites in hope that there will be a fair opportunity for her to get a certain deal or volunteers who want to translate it for free."

yes she could indeed do this however this takes a lot of time, effort and most of all energy. none of which our dear author/artist does not seem to have in their current state of health. I recommend the people who are mad to simply move on. I also really loved how this was not like the other works of its genre and im very sad I wont be able to read any of it simply bc i do not speak korean but I am not going to get mad at the person who made this simply bc they wont translate it to english. the way she doesnt translate to english is the same as we will most likely never learn korean to read the originals.

even tho we get to enjoy reading a lot of amazing works here do remember that this is still an illegal uploading site. most if not all manhwa authors and artists have twitter so pls if you really like a work just send them a comment how you love it (without bringing up illegal sites ofc this wont make them happy). seeing that they receive love from people who arent korean or understand the language very well is still encouraging. for anyone who wants to leave a message like please eat well or take care of your health feel free to comment and I will make you a list.

    Glazed Eyes February 20, 2021 1:08 am

    Hello, earlier I tried to click on a Naver link for the OG webtoon but I do not understand where to go or where to click next or where to leave a comment Can you please kindly share here the author's twitter handle so we can leave message there. Thank you ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Natsu May 12, 2021 8:32 am

    Thank you!! I completely love everything you said!

    People on illegal websites be so entitled and think everything should be handed to them and that they can get what they want and when the author gets mad at the illegal translation here they go throwing a fit on twitter like a toddler. Not only are they emotionally draining the author but it’s just such disgusting behavior. Just move on and read a different story and continue supporting the author to do well in her country not get mad and throw a temper tantrum.