I wonder why the princess is so intent on having Ian go to her engagement party...

Tiny_Snail February 10, 2021 11:47 pm

She is seeing it herself, he's not okay, he lost a lot of weight, so why so much insistence in having him, a clearly sick person, attend her engagement party? The "if you can't go to the party, I'll bring the party to you" felt almost like an ultimatum to me. I understand that she wants him to be there to kinda prove that the rumors are false, but wouldn't having the rumors die down be better in this case? I mean, having Ian show up at the party looking sick might make the rumors look even more real.
The princess looks very sweet and all, but the fact that she came all the way to the mansion when Raymond was out, apparently just to make this ultimatum, is kinda... odd. I mean, did she even invite Raymond's sister?
We still don't know who started the rumors, but... like... it wasn't the super loyal servants, if wasn't Raymond's sister, it wasn't Nicholas... who else frequents the manson these days...? *suspicions intensify*

    MakaYuktia February 11, 2021 5:27 am


    hanalulu February 11, 2021 8:06 am

    To hurt him. Princess hate Ian. She eant him there to hurt him.