tbh i dunno how they’re gonna progress unless they have time apart like a bj alex situat...

cherryice February 10, 2021 9:22 pm

tbh i dunno how they’re gonna progress unless they have time apart like a bj alex situation ... but he actually finds someone else idk... feeling conflicted agh

    fatass February 10, 2021 9:23 pm

    yeah i feel like the author could fuck the story up really easily, i don’t want to see any forced, out of place progression

    Mery February 10, 2021 9:53 pm

    lmao why u talkin bout time apart when they arent even together? i mean they havent even exchanged words yet. (yall gotta be using a trampoline to jump far enough to reach those conclusions...)

    Mella February 10, 2021 9:57 pm
    lmao why u talkin bout time apart when they arent even together? i mean they havent even exchanged words yet. (yall gotta be using a trampoline to jump far enough to reach those conclusions...) Mery

    Cant speak for oo but i imagine that meant later down the line. They're gonna likely get in fwb relationship, where someone gets feelings and that will need time apart for the other party to recognize they like the other aswell. Like what happened in BJ Alex.

    Mery February 10, 2021 10:24 pm
    Cant speak for oo but i imagine that meant later down the line. They're gonna likely get in fwb relationship, where someone gets feelings and that will need time apart for the other party to recognize they lik... Mella

    i mean yeonwoo already has Feelings of sorts. and Taehwan DID have alot of affection for Yeonwoo and he's actually avoided Yeonwoo cause of feeling wronged and also most importantly Yeonwoo isnt a naive blushing virgin who's clinging to taehwan and agreeing to sex in the hopes taehwan will love him one day and that goes on for 60 chpts....so not like bj alex. at all lol. i mean they might get together and break up sure but i doubt it'll be for those reasons. tho i always disagree that being FwBs is a being "in a relationship" period but thats up for debate i guess. tbh the main thing that will block their progression is Taehwan's hangups and their past misunderstanding (i assume it was a misunderstanding of sorts like not just what yeonwoo did but how it was interpreted by taehwan) rather than taehwan taking advantage of and taking for granted yeonwoo only to realize that actually he does love yeonwoo but not before being shitty to him for 3/4s of the story. which jiwon would presumably have continued to do if dongjun didnt finally grow a spine and dump his ass. but i digress~~

    AJ..FUJOSHI February 10, 2021 11:13 pm
    Cant speak for oo but i imagine that meant later down the line. They're gonna likely get in fwb relationship, where someone gets feelings and that will need time apart for the other party to recognize they lik... Mella

    Yeahhh ykr

    Mella February 10, 2021 11:43 pm
    i mean yeonwoo already has Feelings of sorts. and Taehwan DID have alot of affection for Yeonwoo and he's actually avoided Yeonwoo cause of feeling wronged and also most importantly Yeonwoo isnt a naive blushin... Mery

    I feel like we are kind of on the same page?? I'm not saying this story nor the characters are like bj alex. But this is definetly a commonly seen trope. They get in a fwb and person a has feelings person b dosent so they end it then oop i think i did like them i want them back. That is pretty similar to bj alex and several other stories.

    Now idk whats gonna happen with this couple idk if this is what will happen with them at all but it just speculation lol.

    Mery February 11, 2021 3:46 am
    I feel like we are kind of on the same page?? I'm not saying this story nor the characters are like bj alex. But this is definetly a commonly seen trope. They get in a fwb and person a has feelings person b do... Mella

    yeah it is a painfully common trope lol. so its not like its unreasonable for people to think that. but it was the specific reference to BJ that annoyed me simply because the nature of their relationship....is so lopsided? like taehwan doesnt have any real power over yeonwoo aside from yeonwoo thinking he's rly hot and having some soft spots for him from their past friendship. so yeah them fucking and catching feelings mid way (or one of them) is pretty typical and not necessarily the worst trope but the specific incarnation of that trope that is in BJ (and some other popular BLs i will not name~) rubs me the wrong way tbh. and feels off base with even what little we know of taehwan and yeonwoo's dynamic in the english chpts. but thats just my opinion and i must tell every1 my opinion all the time or i'll DIE. lol

    cherryice February 11, 2021 12:41 pm
    yeah it is a painfully common trope lol. so its not like its unreasonable for people to think that. but it was the specific reference to BJ that annoyed me simply because the nature of their relationship....is ... Mery

    yea i was basically thinking what Mella said, i was assuming they become fwb and he doesn’t rlly care for him or admit to caring?? i see what ur saying tho i see the trope so much so i was guessing it was gonna go there... rlly hope the author does smn fresh but who knows!!

    Mella February 11, 2021 12:47 pm
    yeah it is a painfully common trope lol. so its not like its unreasonable for people to think that. but it was the specific reference to BJ that annoyed me simply because the nature of their relationship....is ... Mery

    Oh yeah i totally understand what you mean. I definetly do not get the vibe that these two are anything like those characters personality or even conflictwise. We were just acknolwedging the possible similarities in the trope. I LOVE sharing my opinion and it's even been when i can with someone who isn't rude so ty!